Page 22 - Provoke Magazine Vol7
P. 22
Love Lies
Chapter 7: This is Who I Am!
“You need the villain. If you don’t have a villain, the good guy By: Art Frazier can stay home.” -Christopher Waltz
“Roy!” Yvette gasped. She loosened her embrace of me and went toward the door.
“Are you sure it’s safe?” I asked as I followed her down the hall. She didn’t respond. The entire front room was swirling with lights from the police vehicles. She cracked the door open as we heard the poison woman wail out. “Look at what you’ve done!” she screamed. “Weston get up! Get up Weston!” she was sobbing and there beside her lay Weston. He was shifting back and forth in apparent pain, but he wasn’t making any nois- es. She sobbed loudly and was saying something, but I couldn’t understand her, and all of the noise seemed to be put on mute as I gazed around at the scene. I count- ed six officers and 4 police vehicles. Roy stood with his shotgun half raised and frozen in disbelief. Yvette raced toward him, and I felt my head keep circling around trying to understand what I was seeing. How did this happen? What is happening? What did they do to him? I looked back down at Weston and the noises set back in as I heard the girl start yelling while looking di- rectly at me; “You are the reason this happened. I told him to drag you and your stupid ass friends out here like the rest of them! But there was something about you. You uppity bitch! We would have drug you deep into hell easily had he known it would save him! They don’t listen, why don’t they listen? Weston, why didn’t you listen to me!?” she was outraged, delusional and sobbing as she screamed out her hatred. Mascara and blood dripped down her face, as she was held in place by the officer. She was filthy from head to toe and she looked as if she hadn’t slept in weeks. The officer lift- ed her up from where she was kneeling beside Weston and took her towards a patrol car. “Are you happy now Weston?” she said as she jerked back in his direction. “What about you; you stupid, worthless bitch!?” she
spat in my direction as she made attempts to jerk from the officers grasp. The other officials began to approach Weston, and as all of this went on I somehow ended up next to Roy and Yvette. “What is this all about?” I asked under my breath.
“These corrupt kids are responsible for the string of missing girls over the last 4 years,” Roy whispered. “Oh honey, no! Tell me that isn’t true!” Yvette responded in disbelief. “That can not be true. Right down the street, Roy? He was in our home. Oh, sweet holiness, Miss Su- sie’s granddaughter was one of them.” She clutched her chest and fell into Roy as he did all he could to console her and not drop his gun.
Then I remembered the conversation all of us girls had one night after Cooper was told a story in a class of the girls who were disappearing locally and from surround- ing towns. Some had been last seen at the bar, some last seen headed to class and never showing back up. We were alarmed by the news but of course, had the shared thought we stuck together so it could never happen to us. Here I was staring at a scene from any show I watched in my spare time from TRUE LIFE TV, caught red-handed sleeping with the enemy. No. The whole devil. I began to sob. I was so smart; how could I have not known. Then I felt angry at myself. How dare I think so selfishly when I was spared, at least physically. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was overcome with grief and dropped to my knees. Yet again, I felt Yvette embrace me; reminding me once more, how much I longed for my mother. I needed my cellphone. I sprang into action and raced towards the Chevy, the engine now turned off. I was met with objec- tions from every officer that was close; “ma’am you can’t touch the vehicle please step back!” one said as he placed his hand on his piece. “But my phone is in there, I need to call my parents.” I blurt out in between tears. “You are