Page 32 - Provoke Mag Vol6
P. 32
ladder meant being a part of a machine that de- stroyed the lives of others through a lack of com- passion to increase a bottom line, the price is too heavy a price for her to pay. Stripping her- self down, removing the makeup-mask off, hus- band in tow, and a can-do attitude she decided at 30-years there must be a change.
Rome was not built in one day; however, it was destroyed in one. Between the age of 8 and reach- ing 30 years the compounding of beliefs of what success is and is not could not be erased in one night. Just as the idea of sleeping comfortably when so many people were losing their jobs; she, the one delivering the bad news. The constant going out to dinners, dressed in full flair, making small talk about nothing was creating a misery within her soul that was inherently unhealthy for her.
Heavy, she was happy to have a husband that loved her and believed in her as it didn’t matter what she looked like as she was a hard worker plus he always low-key sort of new she was a bit of a rebel. Counting herself very lucky to have someone by her side that believes in her ability to do anything she wants and be successful made all the difference in the world for her. With her culture so strict on the success of the business of affairs, and the lack of identity for the woman she was not met with open arms when she wanted to try something different, something new.
The actual change began during a ten-day re- treat in Big Sur, California. It was not just any retreat; this was a ten-day silent meditation re- treat where within the silence her inner confi- dence was developing. The days were between 9 AM to 4 PM; no words were spoken, she worked the land with her hands. She determines it to be a very humbling experience to decide to remove her mask, show herself vulnerable, dress in casu- al clothing, walk barefoot, and see herself in pure beauty. Removing the gimmicks of adornments reflected a cleansing of mind, body, and spirit. In the four months she spent in Big Sur eating off the land, all-natural foods she dropped the weight of misery within her life by shedding thirty pounds.
Hungry for more of this real life which reflected laughter, joy, and the meeting of people from all places in life led to the having authentic conversa- tions, and she began to develop genuine relation- ships. Her freedom of discovering a purpose for