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 go back to my home. He worked for a record label and says I know exactly who can help you and you will bounce back; these people have a lot of money. He in- troduced me to the producer Dallas Austin who was with a group of young men. Dallas, is the one “with the money”. The conversation was uncomfortable as all my new friend said to him initially was I think she can help you guys out. I was in a room with at least 15 men and they were drinking, smoking weed, playing games and cards. The energy was bad but when the producer and my new friend had come back out, I was told by the producer, “you can stay here for as long as you need to stay here but from time to time you can come along with us but you need to be willing to serve us; willing to help.” I asked him what that meant, and he said, “well you can’t stay here for free and you don’t have any mon- ey. Sometimes you will have to take care of us.” Soon after I was introduced to orgies, industry parties and being passed around quite a bit. I agreed to be there because I didn’t know what else I would do or where else I would go.
While you were dealing with those things did you come across any people who tried to get you out of the lifestyle? The people who felt like I didn’t need to be there were some of the other young ladies that found themselves
there. But they would come after a night of partying or after hanging with men in the groups. They mostly came and left. There was one girl that told me I needed to be out of there and she took me under her wing. I left that environment with her, but she ended up being no good for me. I went from bad to worse.
We touched on the topic of R. Kelly and the girls who were said to be trapped in this lifestyle and she made mention that the sex never stopped when she admitted being underage. When she was done she just left. ‘It is a level of perversion in these men, that excites. I can’t say exactly but there is something in this that makes them feel powerful. There is a sickness and they never stop to say I can’t do this to someone’s child, but it is an addiction and like any addiction, it is hard to walk away from it.’
You said you walked away; was it that easy? It was that easy. I wish I could say it was all horrible and terrible but when you get to go shopping at Lenox in Atlanta and you get Victoria Secrets gifts brought to you, you feel good about that. You may not have what they have but you get to live that type of life, and you are hooked. You can always walk away but if you have low self-esteem and you have never had anything, then suddenly you are VIP with all-access because you are apart of the entourage. You end up on video sets and meet entertainers and these 17

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