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Jrnie Jade
Call Her Spicy
This isn’t for you if you have been given everything in life without having to work for it, have never suffered any heartache; have never faced any adversities while living in your perfect house on your complete street; eating plant-based meals? A millennial is known for having the capacity to fill your cup. In search of dis- covering and inspiring the next big surge of genius. Highlighting great highs and lows; proving the outdat- ed heavy burdens of hatred wrong; working diligently throughout the day and night across continents; while creating a new history for the next generation fueled by a love of being the best at many things often across many spectrums of both rights and left brain activities. The work-horse work method proved to involve the children in many activities of juggling much in logic and creativity ushered in the post-millennials working alongside their parents fulfilling their defined success. The immersion of dual parenting, endurance perfor- mance, the modern American career, and daddy day- cares the use of digital technology, social media, and communications became second nature to the loving characters born post 1996. Jrnie Jade, post-millennial has been attending work meetings with her mother, Normita Joven- CEO of ICON Talent and Manage- ment, since the age of 3. As a 20-year-old serial entre- preneur life hasn’t always been rosy, and she is here to share with us what exactly motivates the inspiration to do more than even she can currently imagine.
During a time when most children were attending daycare, Jrnie was attending work meetings with her mother and rolling around in a dojo known to the world as a place where the respect and practice of the martial arts take place meaning a “place of the Way.” She equates the ability to work hard to the memory of her mother taking first place in the nation in acquiring a black-belt in Taekwondo. The memory of a blind-fold- ed Normita striking and moving through a series of obstacles guarded by men across a football field-sized facility reaching the end covered in blood, snot, and tears. Watching her receive the black belt and be placed 26
as top in the nation was a monumental moment in the discovery of the human will. Nothing and no one will stop a determined heart and mind, nothing. This is the platform that built Jrnie and continues to raise her with each new discovery.
Famous actresses, models, vocalists are known to share the story of having trained alongside their parents during the informative early years led to their early onsite of work and success getting a jump on the traditional college graduate. Jrnie Jade at a prereferral view gives you a little bit of Kylie Jenner. Kris Jenner hopes! Pimping her kids out. Jrnie is on another mission that caters to the healthy vision of living a life of honor, integrity, and health when thinking about the influence her actions may have on those young ladies looking up to her in hopes of achiev- ing a dose of strength and inspiration. We all look for vi- sions of what may notate a brief similarity of what we are and who we are becoming. A strong idea of who she is not and still discovering who she is caused Jrnie to depart high school early by graduating with two years to spare. But the genius was well on the rise when she designed her first couture collection of dresses at age 16. Orders off the runway left her a bit bewildered as she wanted to give the sewing machine a go at it versus slaving to stay hard at work as the most popular dress she hands beaded taking her the better part of a full twenty-four hours. Very hum- ble she believes the beauty found in the clothing connects the one wearing to the heart of the one putting in the effort to bring the vision to life. At sixteen years old she didn’t want to find herself a slave to someone else’s view of who she is supposed to be. Believing in expression of her own design and comfort in personal style and after making a few made-to-order custom pieces walked away from the sewing machine but who knows perhaps one day she will return to the design business as an overseer of her own personal brand of clothing for now though its not in the immediate plan of action.
The Asian Community has been known to have a rep- utation of a strong work ethic, strict discipline within the lives of their daughters, and a no-nonsense type of demeanor keeping a straight face and you get the total opposite with Jrnie Jade. In the discovery of a love for all people her Filipino Heritage! A strong work ethic. A friendly demeanor in never meeting a stranger equating the ability to work long, unconventional hours inspired by the stories her grandmother has shared of her bud- ding youth walking miles to climb coconut trees to which she returned to her village to sell to assist her parents in caring for her brothers and sisters. Enterprise was born early in mind and spirit of this young lady that likes to

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