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course load, she is entering into her third year in col- lege at Southern Methodist University located in Dallas Proper off Mockingbird in between Highway 75 Cen- tral and Dallas North Tollway. She wants all to know the importance of the following suite in achieving a formal education as well as having an entrepreneurial spirit. Her grandfather left The Philipeans by joining the American Military and went to college. The sacri- fice he made of his time to ensure a secure future on American soil will never be forgotten. What the Grand- parents find important she finds essential because of the sheer will of living a better life and preparing a bet- ter future she will always seek to honor her heritage by having a work ethic of unconventionality. Education is whats respected in this country; physical fitness is what gets you through the hard times, and passion is what births your legacy. Studying to become a Dermatologist because of the importance of aesthetic health keeps a society of beauty and strength thriving in an otherwise ugly world. She believes in your heart matching your sleave living an authentic life of truth. Great risk leads to great reward. Her favorite things in life are growth, knowledge, and fun. The discipline of judo, jujitsu, and her newest venture of Muy Thai is allowing her screen
time in martial arts/combat films. Control is exercise has healed her broken heart and recommends everyone to incorporate an exercise regime into their daily lifestyle.
In preparing for her NPC Show, she opened an ac- count on a LIVEme app allowing viewers to watch her in preparation. The obsession with viewers over getting the first glimpse into her life is a bit scary because they think they’re in a personal relationship with you and want to meet you in real life. She wants all the girls and guys on the social media apps to take their lives seriously because people think because they have seen you on these apps at some of your moments they’re in a trusted relationship with you and it isn’t the safest thing to meet people alone. She says to never go alone or even with a girlfriend to meet these guys and girls that want to meet you because they don’t always mean to keep you safe. Her advice is if any time meeting these people make sure you are in a controlled, secure environment may be set up by the network as a meet and greet. It can be scary sometimes because people are crazy and when they send you these gifts and diamonds the money they re spending is real, and they think you somehow owe them something for becoming a favored broadcaster. People are just crazy the way they become obsessed with online imagers and in-