Page 2 - DSC Products Catalog 2018-2019
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      CLEAN.                                                       We Don’t Only Carry Solutions,

                                                                   We Are The Solution.

     About Us                                                                   Website

     We’re a Michigan business run by a family who’s                            For exclusive product information and
     obsessed with clean. Our carpets are so clean, we                          detailed instructions, visit us online at
     don’t believe in the  ve second rule. We give each               
     other scrub brushes as gifts. Our socks are perma-
     nently white. We laugh at the challenge of high
     tra c areas and in the face of stains, spills, and  lth                     Samples
     of all kinds.                                                               We encourage test comparisons  to

                                                                                 increase your con dence in our high
     We are DSC Products. We have everything you need                            quality carpet and upholstery cleaning
     to e ectively and e ciently clean carpet and                                solutions. Request a sample today!
     upholstery - from the highest quality chemicals, to
     people who know what the heck they’re talking                               Support
     about, and can train and support you, so you know
     what the heck to do.                                                         We’re here to help! DSC o ers training
                                                                                  materials and support. Call us at (231)
     We’ve been creating cleaning products our                                    777-3012  or e-mail
     competitors wish they had since 1983. We can save                            for assistance.
     you time, money, and disgusted looks. We’re more
     than just a supplier, we’re partners in crime against                       Social Media
     carpets everywhere. Together, we can rid the world
     of the dirt and grime that causes perfectly good                            Follow us on social media for product
     carpets to look bad, which makes you look bad, and                          giveaways, how-to videos, and the
     that’s not good.                                                            latest at DSC.

     We’ll help you keep your carpets clean, and your
     customers happy. We are DSC Products. Clean                                  E-Newsletter
     freaks and proud of it.                                                      Sign-up to receive our monthly
                                                                                  e-newsletter to keep up with
                                                                                  everything DSC!
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