Page 4 - DSC Products Catalog 2018-2019
P. 4

PRESPRAYS PRESPRAYS  CITRA-HEAT                               SURE-PASS

                 High pH Prespray
                                                                      Heavy Duty Traffic Prespray
                 This formula powers out the nastiest,
                                                                      A non-butyl, heavy duty traffic lane
                 grungiest, dirtiest possible filth. It is
                                                                      prespray and grease cutter that is
                 a concentrated prespray specifically
                                                                      effective in all kinds of soils over a
                 designed for greasy protein stains,
                                                                      wide range of diultions. A combination
                 body oils, food residue, blood
                                                                      of grease cutters, detergents,
                 stains and filth. When you think your
                                                                      emulsifiers, and solvents react quickly
                 carpet is trashed, Citra-Heat is your
                 last resort!
                                                                      easy extraction.
                 • Dilution: 2 oz. per gallon
                                                                      • Dilution: 1:20
                 • pH: 11.5                                           with most soils to prepare them for
                                                                      • pH: 10.5-11.0
                 Olefin Prespray
                 Olefin, berbers, commercial and
                 Corterra carpets attract oily soils and
                 are inherently yellow or brown in the
                 aftermath of high pH cleaners. Exact                           CUSTOMER REVIEW
                 contains specially formulated deter-
                 gents, surfactants, grease cutters and
                 solvents to breakdown and suspend                       “Whether used as a traffic lane cleaner, stain
                 soils and oils inherent to these fibers.                remover, or all purpose cleaner, Sure-Pass
                 • Dilution: Varies, see directions                      is the go-to product you can use with
                                                                         confidence to get the job done!”
                 • pH: 11

                 D’limonene Traffic Prespray

                 Contains the extract d’limonene and a
                 combination of emulsifiers and deter-
                 gents that penetrate the most stubborn
                 soils and prepares them for easy
                 extraction. Leaves the carpet fresh and
                 • Dilution: Heavy - 12 oz. per gallon,
                   Light - 6 oz. per gallon
                 • pH: 9

                  Urine Prespray
                 Packed with quaternary ammoniums
                 to destroy and prevent odors caused
                 by bacteria and contains boosters that
                 solubilize the inherent ammonia salts
                 that leave the distintive ring around the
                 • Dilution: 1:20                                      WICKED

                 • pH: 3.0                                              Carpet/Fabric Prespray
                                                                       A dynamic prespray that is very effective
                                                                       in high concentrations on all hard to
                                                                       remove soils. A combo of grease cutters,
                 RELIEF                                                detergents,solvents, and emulsifiers that
                                                                       react quickly and completely to remove
                 Enzyme Prespray                                       spots and stains.
                 A concentrated enzyme prespray
                 specifically designed for greasy protein              • Dilution: 1:20
                 stains, body oils, food residues, and
                 blood stains. Especially effective in                 • pH: 13
                 restaurants and on traffic lanes and

                 • Dilution: 2 oz. per gallon
     4           • pH: 11
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