Page 9 - DSC Products Catalog 2018-2019
P. 9

ATTEST                                              NOKIMDED

        Liquid Deodorizer                                   Stain Resist Deodorizer
        Has a broad range of uses. It                       A heavy duty degreaser that is very
        contains aromatic and aliphatic                     effective in various concentrations
        compounds that combine with                         on all hard to clean surfaces.
        malodors and transforms them
        into a pleasant residual fragrance.                 • Dilution: Carpet: 4-8 oz./gal.                              DEODORIZERS
                                                              Booster: 1 oz./gal. Hard Surface:/1
        • Dilution: 1-2 oz. to 10 gallons for
        carpet cleaning, 1-2 oz. per gallon                 • pH: 12
        for spraying.

        • pH: Neutral

        Odor Neutralizer
        Concentrated odor neutralizer for
        carpet, upholstery and general
        deodorizing of odors caused by
        Cycle comes in five different scents:
        -Apple Crumble

        • Dilution: 2 oz. per gallon
        • pH: 8

                 JUST SO YOU KNOW

         Use any of DSC’s deodorizers in conjunction
         with your cleaner solution or as an afterspray!

        KRISP                                              SCAT
        Water Soluble Deodorizer                           Bio Enzymatic Pet Deodorant
        A water soluble liquid deodorizer                  This concentrated formula contains
        offering multi-use applications,                   selected strains of natural enzyme
        specifically for offensive urine odors.            reducing bacteria. These special strains
                                                           of bacteria are extremely efficient at
        • Dilution: When combined with                     digesting organic waste to eliminate
        prespray, mix 2 oz. per gallon.                    malodors. They consume organic
        For cleaning, add 2 ounces per                     matter and eliminate odors at their
        10 gallons of water. For use as                    source on kitchen and bathroom surfaces
        spray, mix 1-2 oz. per gallon of                   and rugs and carpets.
                                                           • Dilution: Heavy - Use as is.
        • pH: 7.0                                                           Light - 1:15
                                                           • pH: 9.5

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