Page 77 - Windcare Corporate Presentation 2019
P. 77

Business Experience With Clients

            T o u c h i n g   y o u   w i t h   S p e c i a l   T e c h n o l o g y . . !

                                                    Gamesa Eolica was created 1994 in the manufacture of wind turbines and components. The

                                                    company became involved in the development, constructions, operations, and service solutions
                                                    in offshore and onshore. In 2017 they merged with Siemens and now they are world’s largest

                                                    wind farm around 90.6gw globally installed and second top most OEM company in India.

           We are working since 2010 in project mechanical constructions, civil foundations and 2012 we developed
           Craneless solutions for their turbines and Gamesa technology department in Spain has approved and

           homologated our technology.

           Our Existing services:

           ❖ Wind Turbine’s component replacement                                                      DETAILED TABLE OF COMPONENT REPLACEMENT SERVICES IN VARIOUS MODEL
           ❖ Mechanical erection in indigenously as well as overseas

           ❖ viz., Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.                                             Capacity (MW)     BMP          Generator           Blade           Transformer
           ❖ Wind park operation about 150 MW
           ❖ Substation maintenance of 230/33 Kva                                                  0.85              Yes          Yes                 Yes             N.a.

           ❖ Existing business volume is around Rs. 12.5 crores                                    0.80                           Yes                 Yes             N.a.

           New Opportunities:                                                                      2.00              Yes          Yes                 Yes             Yes
           ❖ Rotor replacement with Windcare technology.

           ❖ Blade repairs
           ❖ 0.85 MW, 0.80 MW and 2.0 MW Gearbox replacement with nacelle crane concept.
           ❖ Expected additional business volume will be around Rs. 3 crores
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