Page 83 - Windcare Corporate Presentation 2019
P. 83
Business Experience With Clients
T o u c h i n g y o u w i t h S p e c i a l T e c h n o l o g y . . !
Senvion S.A are the German based wind turbine manufacturing company more than 7900 turbines with more
than 17 GW capacity across the globe. They have strongest technology in offshore wind power generations.
We are working since 2018 to develop the design and technology solutions was deliberately working in Germany
for their lifting tools and assembly platforms.
❖ Existing business volume is around Rs. 20 Lakhs
New Opportunities:
❖ Mechanical constructions
❖ Operation and maintenance of wind park.
❖ Craneless solutions for Generator and main bearing replacement.
❖ Blade repairs and services
❖ Blade Maintenance Platform hiring
Expected additional business volume will be around 1 crore.