Page 85 - Windcare Corporate Presentation 2019
P. 85
Business Experience With Clients
T o u c h i n g y o u w i t h S p e c i a l T e c h n o l o g y . . !
Global Wind Power Limited (GWPL) is a leading Wind Turbine Manufacturer and a Joint
Venture between Reliance ADA group and China Ming Yang Wind Power Group was
incorporated on 2007.
We are working since 2008 with Wind Turbine’s mechanical constructions and Craneless solutions for 750KW
generator, gear box and rotor replacement.
New Opportunities:
❖ Operation and maintenance of wind park.
❖ Craneless solutions for Generator, Transformer and Blade erection for 2.5MW turbine.
❖ Blade repairs and services
❖ Blade Maintenance Platform hiring
❖ Substation and overhead line maintenances
Expected additional business volume will be around 1 crores