Page 58 - Poze Magazine Volume 61
P. 58


           ACHIEVED A


                Jay-Z has achieved a milestone that no       Jay-Z will go down in the history books as the first
                other Black male artist has been able to     and  only  Black  male  artist  to  reach  the  feat  and
                reach  -  He  has  now  earned  10  double-  surpass such well-known names like The Notorious
                platinum  albums,  making  him  the  first   B.I.G.,  DMX,  Tupac  Shakur,  Nas  and  LL  Cool  J.
                Black male artist to receive this honor.     Michael  Jackson  was  the  first  artist  to  achieve  a
                                                             staggering 10 albums of double-platinum status.
                To  become  double-platinum,  an  album      The rap icon has had a remarkable career since his
                needs to reach sales of at least two-million  breakthrough  album  Reasonable  Doubt  was
                copies  in  the  United  States.  Jay-Z’s  10th  released in 1996. Since then, Jay-Z has gone on to
                album is the critically acclaimed 4:44, and it  become  one  of  the  most  well-respected  and
                was  recognized  with  the  coveted  platinum  successful hip-hop artists of all time. Not only is he
                mark by the Recording Industry Association   one of the single greatest rap artists of all time, but
                of America on Tuesday.                       he is also a trailblazer in the business world.

                                                                               Jay-Z’s fans are absolutely elated
                                                                               at  him  for  reaching  this  major
                                                                               milestone  and  the  hip-hop  mogul
                                                                               himself   is   proud    of   his
                                                                               accomplishment. “I’m humbled by
                                                                               the  news  that  4:44  has  gone
                                                                               double  platinum  in  the  US,”  he
                                                                               wrote on his Twitter account.
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