Page 56 - Poze Magazine Volume 61
P. 56

The main advantage of Threads is its                   Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook have
          approach towards privacy. Since multiple               all reacted by launching their own similar
                                                                 services to keep up with the competition.
          people can be added to the same thread, it
                                                                 TikTok, for example, recently launched its
          eliminates the need to manually curate a
          private conversation for each group.                   own 'close friends' list feature amidst
          Additionally, it offers two functionality that         fears of Threads' popularity.
          are unique and user-friendly: automated
                                                                 Threads has revolutionized the way people
          status updates and the ‘@mention’ feature.
                                                                 communicate and collaborate online. It
          The automated status update feature allows             offers a hassle-free experience for users
                                                                 to directly communicate with the people
          users to share their current activities
                                                                 they care about. With its advanced
          quickly and easily to the close friends on
          their list. The @mention feature allows                features such as automated status
          users to initiate a conversation by directly           updates and @mentions, it is likely to
                                                                 become the platform of choice for many
          mentioning their close friends. This
                                                                 users. Threads is sure to bring a new
          eliminates the need for an account to be
          senior or valuable to initiate discussion in           wave of disruption to the social media
          Threads. Since its launch, Threads has                 landscape.
          threatened to disrupt existing social media
          models. It is likely to present competition to
          existing social media platforms in terms of
          user engagement.
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