Page 27 - Poze Magazine Volume 80
P. 27

           ASHLEY                                     HER ALBUM ‘CHECKMATE’
                                                    Her stage presence lights up a room and she

                                                   has an energy that will get any crown up on
                                                   their feet.” — Music Marble
              Ashley shares, “Thank you             The  Eighth  Room,  led  by  Jason  Hollis,  has
              to everyone who came out              quickly  become  one  of  Nashville’s  premiere
              to our show! Your support             venues for exclusive industry events. Known for
              means the world to me.                its  intimate  setting,  it  draws  attention  from
              Thank you especially to               across the music world, offering a space where
              Buck for not only warming
              up the stage but bringing             both  emerging  talent  and  established  stars  can
              your brilliant songwriting            shine.  Hollis,  a  creative  force  in  the  music
              and voice to the show.                industry, transformed the venue into a thriving
              Thank you to the Eighth               hub for Nashville’s creative community.
              Room for their hospitality
              and their exquisite venue.            Barron’s  showcase,  packed  with  industry
              Lastly to my band and my              leaders, marks another milestone in her rapidly
              team, I couldn’t do it                rising career. With her music gaining significant
              without you!”                         traction  in  both  the  country  and  rock  scenes,
                                                    fans and media are eager to see what’s next for
                                                    the artist.
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