Page 32 - Poze Magazine Volume 80
P. 32
What advice would you give to
emerging filmmakers or editors
looking to succeed in this industry?
Are there any skills or perspectives
you believe are essential for crafting
impactful stories?
Only get into this if you can’t see
yourself doing anything else. Film
school and online tutorials can teach
you the tools you need, but equally as
important is relationship building. Be
kind, respectful, and loyal, look out for
others, connect with people where and
when you can, and know that you’re
going to be a grunt for many years
before getting anywhere. As Imogene
says in the film, “read up”. Listen to the After the release of The Best Christmas Pageant
people who are doing what you want to Ever, what’s next for you? Are there any upcoming
do, and study their techniques and how projects or personal goals that you’re particularly
they tell the stories they do. Then go excited about as you move forward in your career?
forge your own destiny and tell stories
with your unique vision! I just finished editing The Chosen Season 5, and if
everything stays on track, I’m going to cut a thriller at
the start of 2025. In 2020, I came to the conclusion that
I no longer cared if I edited a hit or some big show
people had heard of. My goal was to work with good
people or friends and do great work. Once I stopped
caring about working on a hit, I found myself working
on a hit show and cutting The Best Christmas Pageant
Ever -- with great people, across the board. I’m always
going to treasure this experience and every single
person I worked with on this movie. Thank you for
taking the time for this interview. I appreciate it.