Page 63 - Poze Magazine 57
P. 63

POZE MAGAZINE                                                                                      PAGE 11



    Shootings at concerts are a                Increased security: Concert      Here are some additional tips for
    tragic and all-too-common                  venues should have               staying safe at concerts:
    occurrence. In recent years,               increased security measures         Avoid large crowds. If possible, try
    there have been a number of                in place, such as metal             to sit or stand near the back of
    high-profile shootings at                  detectors and bag searches.         the crowd. This will give you more
                                                                                   space to move around if there is
    concerts, including the Las                Awareness: Concertgoers             an emergency.
    Vegas shooting in 2017, the                should be aware of the              Be aware of your surroundings.
    Orlando nightclub shooting in              potential for violence and          Pay attention to people who are
    2016, and the Sutherland                   should be prepared to               acting strangely or who are
    Springs church shooting in 2017.           respond if a shooting occurs.       carrying large bags or backpacks.
    These shootings have left                  Reporting: Concertgoers             Trust your instincts. If you feel
    hundreds of people dead and                should report any suspicious        uncomfortable or unsafe, leave
    injured, and have raised                   activity to security personnel      the concert immediately.
                                                                                   Have a plan. If there is a shooting,
    concerns about the safety of               immediately.                        know where to go and what to do.
    attending concerts. There are a        By taking these steps, we can           Have a designated meeting place
    number of things that can be           help to make concerts safer for         with your friends and family.
    done to help prevent shootings         everyone.                            By following these tips, you can help
    at concerts, including:                                                     to keep yourself safe at concerts.
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