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Most infrastructure and development projects require some form of screening,
permit, license or environmental authorisation prior to
implementation. Environmental monitoring and compliance checks are also
needed after projects have received the go-ahead.
At Royal HaskoningDHV we have more than 15 years’ experience in the
industry and expertise to provide our clients with the best environmental
service and digital reporting solutions.
Environmental Screening and Risk Assessment
This process provides a high-level desktop scan of environmental
sensitivities or fatal flaws, reducing project risk by facilitating
informed decision-making during feasibility, preliminary design and
detailed engineering design.
The Transnet Waterberg Heavy Haul Coal Line, Majuba Combined
Cycle Gas Turbine, Mountain View Dam, the Zimbabwe Harare-
Chirundu Ring Road and the Sasol Concentrating Solar Power
Plant Screening assessments are some prime examples of services
undertaken by Royal HaskoningDHV in this regard.
Environmental Authorisations
Policy and legislation mandate that public and private sector
developers assess the potential impacts of their activities. As a
global company, we ensure international best practice while being
fully up to date with local statutory requirements.
Our services include Basic assessments (BAs), Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs), Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
(ESIAs), Section 24G Rectification applications, Waste Management
License Applications, Authorisation Amendment applications,
Environmental Management Programmes (EMPRs), Integrated
Coastal Management processes and Independent peer reviews.
Our flagship EIA projects were the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link, Medupi
Power Station, Transnet New Multi Products Pipeline, Bokpoort CSP,
Cornubia Mixed Use Development, Southern Waste Water Treatment
Works, Sanral P116, and the Matimba Ash Disposal Facility to name but
a few.
Water Resource Management
We have established ourselves as leaders in the field of Integrated Water Use
Licence Applications (iWULAs) and General Authorisations (GAs); Integrated Water
and Waste Management Plans and Amendment Applications.
To date we have successfully conducted a number of challenging iWULAs in South Africa
(e.g. the iWULA for the proposed Underground Coal Gasification Project near Amersfoort
in the Mpumalanga Province for Eskom, the Cornubia Mixed-Use Phased Development for
Tongaat Hulett Developments and the eThekwini Municipality and the Swaziland-Mozambique-
RSA Border Patrol Infrastructure for the National Department of Public Works).
Disaster management
Being prepared for any natural disasters or unexpected events such as spills, heatwaves, floods,
droughts or earthquakes before they occur results in avoiding, reducing or eliminating the associated
risks. We assist our clients to have the most effective mitigation and response plans in place.
Our services in this regard include NEMA Section 30 emergency incident applications, Environmental
clean-up and rehabilitation plans as well as Climate change adaption plans.
A mine – whether in the process of opening, expanding, in full production, suspending
operations or closing a facility – is faced with numerous environmental regulatory requirements.
Our teams have the skill and professionalism to ensure mining permits and rights are obtained
cost-effectively and timeously. Our services include Prospecting right applications, Mining right
applications, Mining permit applications, Social and labour plans, Performance assessments
(audits) as well as Rehabilitation and mine closure plans.