Page 4 - Management Compliance Profile Option2 PROOF1
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Stakeholder Management & Community Participation
                                                          Stakeholder and community consultation is not only focussed
                                                          on meeting legislative requirements but is also about engaging
                                                          people on diverse issues and creating value for projects. We
                                                           pride ourselves on building relationships which lead to working
                                                           together in partnership with the public and creating innovative
                                                           ways of finding solutions.

                                                           The largest risk for any environmental process to be discredited
                                                           pertains to inadequate public and stakeholder participation.
                                                           In this regard, we have always complied with the legislative
                                                           requirements and has an excellent track record on all
                                                           environmental assessments undertaken to date.

                                                           Our experience includes providing support on significant linear
                                                          infrastructure development EIAs to date as well as undertaking
                                                          community participation consultation (CPC) for the Reya Vaya
                                                         Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project which entailed the construction of
                                                        pedestrian bridges, an underground bus station and non-motorised
                                                       transport systems. We have also undertaken stakeholder engagement
                                                      processes in environmental strategic fields which included various
                                                     Provincial Environmental Outlook Reports as well as updating of
                                                    strategic reports for Municipalities.

                                                  Specialist, multi-disciplinary services

                                               The cornerstone of all environmental assessments is specialist input provided
                                              by trained and experienced specialists from varying disciplines. The key value our
                                             specialists provide is to highlight significant areas where impacts and degradation
                                            can be expected due to the implementation of an activity or process. Our in-
                                          house specialist services include Geographic information systems (GIS) / sensitivity
                                         mapping, 3D mapping, GIS-based EMPRs, Avifaunal impact assessments, Visual impact
                                        assessments, Wetland assessments & delineations and Traffic Impact Assessment
                                      .The Royal HaskoningDHV Environmental team pride themselves on providing accurate
                                    environmental advice, striving towards fast turnaround times and to always be available for
                                   our clients. We see our clients as partners in the environmental journey while providing them
                                  with efficient and reliable services.

                                 You can contact us on the following should you require any assistance

                                Tel 087 352 1500
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