Page 12 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Final
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            The ambiance of sound in an airport environment could become an important element for the future of travel. Credit: Made Music Studio

          One on One with Made Music Studio’s Kristen Lueck
          How luxury brands can use sound to enhance their image
          by Lois Pasternak

                                                                               she tells TMI.
              Sound has become a secret weapon
          for modern brands, and this could be                                 Connecting with consumers
          especially true for luxury brands, according                            Lueck shares how Made Music has
          to the experts at Made Music Studio, a                               helped some major luxury brands use audio
          sonic branding and design studio that                                to connect with consumers.
          creates iconic and powerful music-driven                                “When Burberry introduced an audio
          experiences.                                                         component to their Regent Street flagship
              Sixty-seven million Americans listen                             store, it raised the bar for using audio in
          to podcasts every month, audio streaming                             luxury experiences,” she explains. In this
          has increased 32% year over year, and 41%   Kristen Lueck            case, hundreds of screens and speakers
          of people in the U.S. use voice search every  that way, every audience we’re speaking   combined to immerse the customers in a
          day, reports Kristen Lueck, VP, Director of   to is unique. In the case of luxury, there   runway fashion show across the building
          Business Development and Partnerships at   are some emotional takeaways that we are   – with multimedia and music that changed
          Made Music Studio.                trying to hit, like building an emotional   depending on the accessories that were
              With so many consumers using   connection around trustworthiness,   close to the screen.
          audio, the number of global companies   timelessness, quality, heritage – that may or   Luxury vehicles also use audio,
          investing in sonic branding to capture   may not be present in traditional retailers,”   taking care to consider the actual sound
          them is increasing exponentially. In 2021,   says Lueck. “There’s also a discussion   environment of their cars, she adds. “From
          Made Music’s research shows a 22%   around cacophony in today’s world and   the start of an engine to the shutting of a
          jump in brands launching audio identities.   how true luxury exists in moments of   door – it all plays a role in the sonic theatre
          This phenomenon is happening across   silence – so knowing when to pull back   of the experience and makes you feel like
          industries, from financial services and autos  and where to erase sound and music, is an   you’re in something high quality and safe.
          to tech and retail.               important part of the luxury discussion.”   [Luxury vehicle manufacturers] often have
              So what is sonic branding and why are   One way to control the sound image   teams of engineers and sound designers on
          so many companies tuning in?      of your brand is through a sonic logo.   staff for just that reason.”
              The music and sound associated with   The audio equivalent of a visual logo, a   Opportunities for sonic branding can
          a brand is telling a story, says Lueck, and   sonic logo can refer to a short melody,   be found across many venues, says Lueck.
          this is great news if you carefully curate   musical statement, SFX, or tagline – or any   “Some of the most popular ways
          the audio experience. Sound can create   combination of those, explains Lueck.   luxury brands are using audio are in
          atmosphere, bridge the digital and physical,   “Sonic logos are generally less than   digital and social content – across their
          and build consistency across touchpoints,   four seconds in length and appear in brand   social media and YouTube channels, using
          and this is especially relevant for luxury   marketing and communication efforts,   music and sound to score mini stories and
          brands.                           often heard as a sign-off at the end of   communications, often partnering with
              “Sonic branding is based on the brand   commercials. Synonyms include hook,   popular artists, or using known songs,” she
          strategy and trajectory of the brand and in   mnemonic, sonic signature or sonic mark,”   explains.

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