Page 24 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Final
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Arnold Donald, president & CEO, Carnival Corp. & plc; Richard Fain, Royal Caribbean Chairman & CEO; and Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive
Chairman, MSC Cruises; at the Seatrade State of the Industry panel. Right: CNBC’s Seema Mody moderates the panel.
Cruise leaders discuss future of industry as Seatrade holds first
live show post-pandemic in Miami
Amid fist bumps, masks and stringent will have 80% of its fleet operating by the response under tremendous pressure, and
health and safety protocols, the cruise end of December. the success achieved, all while focusing on
industry came together for its first live Speaking during the State of the the human impact.
gathering since the pandemic began at the Industry panel discussion, Richard Fain, Keeping health and safety foremost
35th Seatrade Global Cruise Conference in Chairman and CEO, Royal Caribbean in our minds, she said that the cruise
Miami during the last week of September. Group, said he expects ships in core industry can control the environment more
Even as the organizers knew that travel markets to be back to 100% occupancy by on a cruise ship than on any land-based
restrictions would keep attendance to a the end of this year. tourism, and using science-based protocols
fraction of its normal 8,000+ of years Vago noted that two million people –which not only assures health and safety
past -- and thus created a hybrid event-- have been able to sail since last summer, but also raises confidence – the industry
they welcomed the opportunity to begin and MSC, which was the first cruise line response to the pandemic has been most
the return. While much quieter than in to resume sailing, set the blueprint for comprehensive and far reaching, providing
the past, excitement and anticipation was returning to cruise. layers of protection.
nevertheless very high. The virus is continually evolving and
Andrew Williams, President of the CLIA’s Kelly Craighead the industry’s protocols continue evolving,
Maritime Portfolio, Informa Markets, In her keynote, Kelly Craighead, as well, she said.
which owns Seatrade, opened the main President & CEO, Cruise Lines On a global scale, cruising has
conference morning thanking the attendees International Association, said the past year resumed in more than 30 countries. Like
who had undertaken all the various and a half has been the “most extraordinary Pierfrancesco Vago, she reaffirmed that
protocols required to enter. Under the period the industry has ever faced. None of the pandemic notwithstanding, the cruise
theme of “Building back together,” he said us could have predicted at the start of this industry will continue to stress issues of
that the industry is focused on the future pandemic just how profound the impact sustainability.
together. would be on our businesses, our industry Mentioning the Green Deal in Europe,
Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive and our lives.” which is clearly setting an agenda for
Chairman, MSC Cruises, speaking as She noted the scale of the effort in the future, she said that public/private
Global Chairman of industry trade group partnerships will be imperative for success.
Cruise Lines International Association, “To move forward we must continue
also stressed the industry’s commitment engaging with port communities to benefit
to the health and safety of its guests in all, including service providers and
his keynote address, citing the fact that suppliers, and react in creative ways to the
the cruise industry has instituted the most continuing challenge.
stringent protocols in the world, and was “If there is a silver lining in all this it
the first to mandate 100% testing. shows that our community when it works
Pointing out that the cruise industry together is greater than the sum of our
had 16% of its fleet operating in June, and parts. Now we have to build on this. We are
is now up to 56%, he forecasts that cruising CLIA President & CEO Kelly Craighead on course for a terrific revival.”
October 2021 24