Page 28 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Final
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            The Rouge Duty Free flagship shop at the Port Louis Marina in Grenada.
          Rouge Duty Free on its way to becoming a Caribbean


              With the opening of its new stores   different, but we will come back.”  has purchasing power,” he notes.
          in St. Croix, family-owned Rouge Duty   Kattoura admits that the Rouge stores
          Free now operates a dozen properties in   were not affected as badly by the pandemic   St. Croix – a smashing success
          the Caribbean – in St. Thomas, Grenada,   as many other island retailers.   Rouge opened its first St. Croix store
          Grand Cayman and St. Croix -- reaching   “Except for our Grenada airport   in Christiansted in Orange Grove Plaza.
          this milestone sooner than expected since it   stores, which were closed for a short period   The luxury shop had a soft opening last
          first started in the region in 2015.  of time, our local business grew. Since   December, followed by a gala “red-carpet”
              “Our goal in the next three-five years   we focus a lot on the local customers, we   inauguration at the end of March. The
          is to be at 30 Rouge Duty Free stores,”   saw an increase in traffic. Our walk-in   store has the largest fragrance and skin
          says Raymond Kattoura, whose company   customers more than tripled. We think this   care assortment on the island, along with a
          Duty Free & Travel Retail Group Inc.   was because so many people were working   luxurious MontBlanc corner boutique, and
          helps manage the business for Rouge Duty   from home, they discovered us. When they   a Furla handbags leather corner as well.
          Free. Kattoura works with Marco Bordoni,   were at their 9-5 jobs, they didn’t have   It also houses a spa cabin for exclusive
          who heads up the Caribbean and North   a chance to see our stores. This was the   skincare brands Valmont and Cellcosmet.
          American business for his family’s Buenos   segment that we gained and I think that it   “From day one of the soft opening this
          Aires-based Perfumerias Rouge.    made a big difference.”            store has been a huge success. We were so
              Kattoura tells TMI that Rouge is well   Further helping the Rouge business,   encouraged by this success that when we
          on its way to reach this ambitious goal,   he says that due to the travel restrictions in   heard of an opportunity to open another
          as it has several new properties opening   place, many local residents were spending   location in the heart of Christiansted’s
          soon, as well as several others that will be   their money at local stores, doing much   downtown Historic District, we grabbed
          announced next year.              more local shopping.               it,” he said.
              “These are solid investments. We   “This was a surprise for us, but it   Located on the city’s famed Company
          are not gambling,” he says. “We study   shouldn’t have been because our Rouge   Street in the former Sandal’s mansion,
          the market, see a need, and we invest. I   stores have always focused as much on   the company is taking the Spanish-style
          know the Caribbean well, with its ups and   locals as on tourists. And we do it very   historic site and renovating it into a Rouge
          downs; we are used to these challenges. It’s   well, I think,” he explained. “Since the   Maison concept.
          nothing new. We had terrible hurricanes in   tourists were missing during COVID, we   “This is something St. Croix will be
          the 80s and 90s, and later, and the region   were compensated very well from the local   able to use for tourism as well as for locals.
          always bounces back in a year or so. The   populations.”             We are converting the large backyard into
          islands come back stronger, and the same   “We cater to duty free and local, and   a very nice, hip, café, serving light food,
          with the cruise industry. COVID was   the local segment of the Caribbean market   coffee, wines. Upstairs on the second level
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