Page 27 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 27


                                                                     The Great Hall project is currently working on Phase 1 and Phase
                                                                     2 concurrently. Phase 1 work is in the center of the terminal where
                                                                     crews are constructing new ticketing areas for United and Southwest,
                                                                     widening the balconies on Level 6, adding four new restrooms and
                                                                     adding 31,000 square feet to Jeppesen Terminal.
                                                                     Phase 2 work broke ground this summer on the north end of the
                                                                     terminal. The primary focus of Phase 2 is to enhance security by
                                                                     building a new security checkpoint on Level 6 in the northwest corner
                                                                     of Jeppesen Terminal. All Phase 2 work will be done by mid-2024.
                                                                     However, the new checkpoint is scheduled to open by early-2024.

                                                                     Left: Newly renovated portion of the Jeppesen Terminal, completed by
                                                                     DEN in Fall 2021.

              implementation of an airport-wide   Expansion Program will build 39 new   where possible to do so, including the new
              commercial Master Plan and strategy and   gates, increasing gate capacity at the airport   expansions;
              plan for the three main concourses at Denver   by 30%. The first four new gates opened on   •  Revisited the category mix and identified
              Airport, each one handling circa 20m+   the west side of Concourse B in November   the appropriate split of retail, travel
              passengers. Currently handling around 65   2020 and 16 new gates opened on the east   convenience and F&B in the future;
              million passengers annually, DEN is forecast   side of Concourse C in May 2022.  •  Rearticulated the airports’ vision for
              to reach 110 million before 2040.     Work continues in the two remaining   the concessions program, ensuring that it
                 DEN is centered around the Elrey   expansion areas across all three concourses.   attracts the very best operators with the
              B. Jeppesen Terminal—which acts as a   All expansion areas are expected to be   most appropriate brands and concepts for
              processor. This is the airport’s iconic main   operational in 2022.  its passenger mix by concourse and reflect
              building with roof sails that mimic the   Critically, the project includes around   the very best that Colorado and Denver has
              snow-capped Rocky Mountains beyond.   10,000 sq ft of additional concessions space   to offer;
              Jeppesen Terminal celebrated its 25th   programmed for the concourse expansions   •  Very importantly - ensured that the
              anniversary in 2020.              alone, notes Gray.                program would provide great opportunities
                 This processor supports three large   She says that the concessions Master   for local operators and brands to do
              linear concourses which are linked by an   Plan that CPI and DEN have developed   business at the airport.
              underground train as well as a pedestrian   does the following:
              bridge from the main terminal to concourse   •  Maximizes the concessions space in the    “The new spaces in the concourse
              A.                                ‘center cores’ of each concourse;  expansions are incredible spaces. We
                 DEN has been expanding the     •  Identifies and maximizes the concessions   are immensely proud of them,” says
              concourses, adding gate capacity as fast   opportunities throughout each concourse   Gray. “There is a marked contrast
              as it can reasonably do so. The Gate   at concourse level and mezzanine level   between the old infrastructure and the
                                                                                  new infrastructure. While this is a little
                                                                                  frustrating, it’s a very tangible expression
                                                                                  of DEN’s ambition; they promised a better
                                                                                  experience, and they’re making it happen.”
                                                                                      CPI did not design the new spaces in
                                                                                  isolation, Gray explains further.
                                                                                      “We spent a lot of time making
                                                                                  sure the seating strategy will support
                                                                                  the concessions delivery. By identifying
                                                                                  the amount and type of seating needed
                                                                                  in each area of the airport, with an
                                                                                  emphasis on providing what we term
                                                                                  ‘F&B-friendly’ seating, we can ensure
                                                                                  the F&B concessions can maximize their
                                                                                      “In a very busy, capacity constrained
                                                                                  airport, passengers get the best service, as
                                                                                  they can be served fast and consume their
                                                                                  purchase in their preferred location whether

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