Page 33 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
P. 33


              Canada border businesses down 45% as FDFA Economic Report shows

              export business not recovering due to barriers to border travel

                 The Frontier Duty Free Association    “When this pandemic began, our   measures are no longer meaningful or
              (FDFA) released an economic report in   border businesses followed public health   helpful and only serve to harm border
              August showing that the severe economic   measures and federal recommendations.   communities and border community
              decline for the peak summer tourist   When COVID-19 was at its peak and   businesses. Recovery depends on the
              season has resulted in subnormal sales   border measures were effective at slowing   Canada/U.S. border getting back to normal.
              for member stores across the country. The   transmission rates, we did our part to keep    “This is a matter of fairness,” said
              report records an average sales decrease   Canadians safe,” said FDFA Executive   Barrett. “As long as these barriers to travel
              hovering around 45% compared to before   Director, Barbara Barrett. “Now, we have   remain on our land border, we cannot
              the pandemic.                     been left behind in the recovery effort as   recover and border businesses like ours
                 These export stores were shuttered for   restrictions and the ArriveCan App are   and border communities will continue to
              nearly two years and were down over 95%   still barriers. And even worse, the federal   struggle.”
              in sales during the full closure of the land   government has ceased all of its supports.”    FDFA has presented the federal
              border for over 18 months.            Barrett points out that air travel has   government with a suggested recovery
                  The FDFA reports that the COVID-19   been allowed to resume in such high   package in light of the fact that border
              pandemic and the U.S./Canada border   volume that Canada’s air infrastructure   traffic is being restricted on an ongoing
              closure had a devastating impact on   is struggling to process the number of   basis.
              Canada’s land border duty free industry   travelers and unvaccinated travelers are    Barrett added, “Our retailers closed
              and recovery is stalled due to Canada’s   clear to travel thousands of kilometers   to protect Canadians and we deserve not to
              federal travel restrictions and the required   across Canada. Land borders, on the   be left behind. These unnecessary border
              use of the ArriveCan app. The association   other hand, are regulated at the expense   measures are killing a 40-year-old export
              stresses that its land border duty free   of communities whose entire livelihood   sector and doing nothing to help keep
              stores are like many border community   depend on the back-and-forth crossing of   Canadians safe.”
              businesses and border communities as a   the Canada/U.S. border.         The FDFA is the national association
              whole that observed annual sales plummet    The FDFA is calling on the federal   representing Canada’s 32 land border duty
              to historically low levels that have not fully   government to lift the barriers to recovery   free shops.
              recovered even during the typically high   and unnecessary conditions like the
              summer season.                    ArriveCan app to cross borders. These

              ECONOMIC REPORT
              FDFA: Survey of sales losses 2019-2022 during Border Closure and
              Border Measures

                 The COVID-19 pandemic and      sales numbers from the 2019 pre-COVID   all around the country, the seventeen
              resulting U.S./Canada border closure and   summer season. Seventeen companies   respondents averaged a decrease in sales of
              border measures have had a devastating   participated in the survey, which compared   48.18 % between the Canada Day of 2019
              impact on Canada’s land border duty free   sales numbers for specific traditionally   and the same day of 2022.
              industry, reports the FDFA.       high-traffic holidays.
                 Canadian travel restrictions resulted   The survey indicates the hardship that   July
              in many of FDFA’s members seeing sales   Canada’s land border duty free industry has   The entire prime summer travel time
              plummet to historically low levels (90-95%   suffered.              of July saw sales among the 17 respondents
              down compared to pre-pandemic). Once   Every profitable flagship period of   register a decrease, on average, of 44.82%.
              restrictions were lifted, many barriers   the summer has resulted in disappointing
              remained, such as vaccination requirements   sales for members across the country, with   July Fourth
              and ArriveCan App, which created major   an average sales decrease around 45%   The American holiday, normally a
              disincentives to travel across the border.   for the seventeen respondents. The FDFA   busy cross-border travel time, saw 2022
              The consequence of that was the inability   is calling for the government to adopt its   sales decrease by an average of 44.5% in
              of duty free shops to capitalize on the most   solutions to avoid a similar situation in the   comparison to 2019.
              profitable windows of the summer season.    summer of 2023.
                 The FDFA surveyed it members to                                  August Long Weekend
              identify the size of the losses that have   Canada Day                  On average, members noted a decrease
              occurred during the summer season of   For Canada Day, one the busiest   in sales of 46.7% for the long weekend for
              2022. As a benchmark, the survey used   period for tourism related businesses   the end of July to the beginning of August.

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