Page 26 - TMI Special 10-11 2020 FlipBookv2
P. 26


            Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport in Argentina prepares to open by establishing stringent health and safety protocols and undergoing in-
            depth sanitizing.

          Latin America sees first hints of recovery from COVID-19 shut downs

              The COVID-19 pandemic arrived   Argentina: health and financial woes  Montevideo was restarted only a few weeks
          in Latin America at the end of February   Argentina narrowly avoided an   ago. Bernabel Trading has reported higher
          this year. Initially, cases were few and far   overseas debt default in the second quarter   than normal average sales tickets but ad-
          between and the speedy introduction of   of 2020, after the government was able   mits to lower passenger numbers.
          lockdowns and border closings by most   to secure a last-minute agreement with
          governments helped control the spread of   international bondholders. Experts expect   International air service restarts
          the virus.                        the economy to shrink between 11 and 12%   Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
              But in the second quarter of the year   this year as the pandemic bites on top of an   A positive sign is that in just under a month
          Brazil swiftly became one of the worst af-  already depressed economy. They are pre-  Sao Paulo – Guarulhos has established a
          fected countries in the world; and as of the   dicting a 5% expansion in 2021, however.   solid program of international flights to
          end of September, six of the top-12 most   The Argentine Peso has been remark-  Europe and North America and in October
          impacted countries in the world (Brazil,   ably stable at around 76/78 to the U.S.   regional destinations to Panama, Peru, Co-
          Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and   Dollar, but the black-market dollar has   lombia and Chile will be added. Although
          Ecuador) are in South America. More than   drifted close to 140, as the government   there is no official confirmation, Buenos
          8 million cases have been diagnosed in the   tries to prevent Argentine residents and   Aires Ezeiza will increase operations
          continent and more than 250,000 deaths.   companies from gaining access to the of-  from the current limited number of special
          Not surprisingly, the pandemic has severely   ficial FX market; foreign reserves continue   flights to a reduced scheduled service
          damaged the economies of all Latin Ameri-  to be scarce, pushing black-market demand   with Madrid, Paris and London as the
          can countries with no clear indication on   higher. However, as the Argentine govern-  lead destinations in Europe and Miami in
          what lies ahead.                  ment continues to postpone measures to   North America. Santiago de Chile restarted
              A strong Brazilian economy is essen-  reactivate the economy, some observers   international flights in September and the
          tial for the health of the whole travel retail   believe that next year’s recovery will be   program is expected to increase from now
          business not only in Brazil but throughout   weaker than predicted.  until the end of the year. Peru and Colom-
          the continent. With consumer spending   The travel retail business throughout   bia have also confirmed that international
          and business investment reduced to the   the continent was devastated as soon as   services will recommence in October.
          minimum, COVID-19 ensured that the   airlines stopped flying and airports closed   It would seem that with domestic fly-
          Brazilian economy shrank in the second   down when governments sought to impede   ing increasing in most countries (Argentina
          quarter. Economists are predicting a 6%   the spread of the virus. Land borders were   has still to make a decision), the fourth
          contraction for the full year; but suggesting   also shut and duty free shops and low tax   quarter will see a substantial recovery in
          that the economy could grow by 3.6% in   shops in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and   airport passenger numbers. Travel retail op-
          2021. The next three months will determine   Paraguay were forced to close. Some stores   erators will see a benefit but in many cases
          the accuracy of these predictions.   have reopened in Brazil and Uruguay but   of reduced salaries and almost nonexistent
              Meanwhile, the Brazilian Real has   with reduced hours and few customers;   savings, it is hard to predict the amount of
          slipped to 5.6 to the USD, but constant   shoppers are almost exclusively from sister   disposable income that will be allocated by
          variations in value from 5.3 to 5.9 has   towns just across the border.   travelers to retail stores in airports, ferries
          further depressed duty free spending, espe-  Ferry trips were also cancelled -- very   and on the borders.
          cially in border stores.          limited service linking Buenos Aires and   There are still too many variables that

          October/November 2020                                                             26
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