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#TimeToEndBreastCancer, Estée Lauder’s 2020 Breast Cancer
Campaign is more than a Ribbon
The Estée Lauder Companies This year, 20 of The Estée Lauder
Breast Cancer Campaign’s creative Companies’ brands will support The
for 2020 features a single, bold Pink Campaign’s mission: AERIN, Aveda,
Ribbon—the globally recognized BECCA, Bobbi Brown, Bumble and
symbol for breast cancer. bumble, Clinique, Darphin, DKNY,
This year the company says Donna Karan, Dr. Jart+, Estée Lauder,
that it represents much more than a GLAMGLOW, Jo Malone London, La
ribbon-- it is a symbol that unites. Mer, Lab Series, Origins, Prescriptives,
Every 15 seconds, somewhere RODIN olio lusso, Smashbox, and
in the world, a woman is diagnosed hashtags #TimeToEndBreastCancer and Tom Ford Beauty. Each will sell Pink
with breast cancer—and that is far too #ELCdonates. For every public, in-feed Ribbon Products or make donations to
many. The Campaign says that we are Instagram or Facebook post during the BCRF and/or other charitable organizations
united in hope around the shared goal: it’s month of October featuring both hashtags around the world.
#TimeToEndBreastCancer. together, @esteelaudercompanies will William P. Lauder, Executive
The message is more true now donate $25 to @bcrfcure up to $100,000— Chairman of The Estée Lauder Companies
than ever. As a result of the coronavirus because it’s always been more than a Inc., affirms The Campaign’s mission and
pandemic, all of those impacted by ribbon. honors the legacy of his late mother stating,
the disease, especially the breast The Campaign will also illuminate “Today, I am more proud than ever of the
cancer community, face more risk and buildings, monuments and landmarks positive impact we have made in the breast
vulnerability. It is crucial to support one worldwide in glowing pink lights to raise cancer community and against the disease.
another as well as medical research, all of awareness of breast health, including the Our dedication remains unwavering,
those currently living with breast cancer, Empire State Building in New York City uniting our global community in action, to
vulnerable groups who may face a disparity and the Eiffel Tower in Paris; mobilize bring us closer to a cure.”
in access to healthcare, and the doctors, employees worldwide to unite in action “Our mission to create a breast
nurses and caretakers on the front lines. to support more than 60 breast cancer cancer-free world was the vision of my
The mission is to create a breast cancer-free organizations around the world; produce mother, Evelyn H. Lauder, who started The
world. and distribute informative materials Breast Cancer Campaign and co-created
The Estée Lauder Companies has and pink ribbons worldwide and drive the Pink Ribbon in 1992, bringing a global
been a leader in the global breast cancer donations to BCRF through ELCompanies. level of awareness to the disease through
movement since Evelyn H. Lauder co- com/BreastCancerCampaign. our employees, consumers and partners.
created the Pink Ribbon and started The The Campaign continues to positively Citizenship and sustainability have always
Campaign in 1992. impact the global community beyond been part of The Estée Lauder Companies’
The Campaign has raised more funding medical research around the values and The Breast Cancer Campaign
than $89 million globally for lifesaving world. It highlights the importance of represents the best of who we are as a
research, education, and medical services. education and early detection through company. Today, I am more proud than
Of this, more than $73 million is funding discussions with medical experts and ever of the positive impact we have made
293 medical research grants through the informative materials. It supports building in the breast cancer community and against
Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the and expanding care centers to treat breast the disease.
highest-rated nonprofit breast cancer cancer patients. It funds medical resources “Our dedication remains unwavering,
organization in the U.S. founded by Evelyn including mammograms and screenings. uniting our global community in action,
H. Lauder in 1993. It supports people with breast cancer to bring us closer to a cure. Together, The
This year The Campaign will take and their families through therapy and Campaign will continue to raise funds,
the following actions to unite people counselling programs. educate, support, and make a real impact to
virtually around the globe through digital In the U.S., breast cancer mortality bring us closer to our mission.”
events. It will launch a new social media rates have decreased by 40% among To learn more about The Estée
call to action to raise funds for BCRF, women since the late 1980s, and today, Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer
asking people to show their Pink Ribbon there are more than 3.8 million breast Campaign, visit
and share what it means by using the cancer survivors. BreastCancerCampaign.
October/November 2020 32