Page 36 - TMI Special 10-11 2020 FlipBookv2
P. 36


          Nestlé offers consumer-driven innovation in response to COVID


              Nestlé International Travel Retail   “But Nestlé believes in this industry.   Sustainability: SMARTIES moves to
          (NITR) remains committed to the   Nestlé believes in this channel. We have   paper packaging
          confectionery category in travel retail and   been successful for 154 years because we
          continues to invest in measures to drive   stick it out,” he said.
          industry growth despite the challenges   “Our industry has always shown
          posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its   itself to be resilient over the long-term.
          impact on travel.                 Identifying the correct growth drivers to
              In an online media briefing in early   meet the needs of the post-COVID 19
          September, NITR general manager Stewart   traveling consumer are critical to moving
          Dryburgh and Marketing Manager Tamara   forward and our innovations for 2021
          Spada said the company maintains its   reflect this – notably the economic effect
          faith in the sector’s resilience and ability   that COVID-19 is having on disposable   Nestlé continues its sustainability
          to recover and previewed several product   incomes.”                 program for its SMARTIES brand by
          innovations that will help drive its   As it has for the past few years,   removing all single use plastic packaging
          recovery.                         NITR bases consumer engagement on   and moving to paper across all formats.
              As part of the world’s largest food and   the four-pillar brand-building model of   This year, Nestlé relaunched the
          beverage company, Nestlé has weathered   SOUL – Story, Occasion, Unique and   SMARTIES Travel Retail Exclusive Music
          the COVID-19 storm better than many   Local. In the current environment, NITR   Creator with a new carton box and digital
          other companies. “People need to eat.   will be focusing on its best-selling SKUs   content.
          And we are very fortunate to be part of a   with an eye towards differentiation from   In the year to come, the brand will
          company that helps feed the world,” said   the domestic portfolio, explained NITR   change its full core confectionery range
          NITR general manager Stewart Dryburgh.   Marketing Manager Tamara Spada.   to recyclable paper packaging, including
               “But no business unit within Nestlé                             replacing the plastic lid on the SMARTIES
          has been as badly hit as ours,” warned   KITKAT to drive recovery    Giant Tube with a cardboard closing, as
          Dryburgh. On the plus side, as of last year,   KITKAT, which has been delivering   well as replacing the plastic Topper figures
          NITR has been expanding its portfolio on   consistent growth ahead of the market,   with paper stickers; and converting the tube
          food in the broader sense and as well as   is NITR’s key strategic brand to drive   shape to a hexatub with a paper sticker. The
          opening new channels beyond the airport.  recovery in 2021. This accelerated growth   plastic SMARTIES bags and pouches will
              “We increased our focus on duty   has been primarily driven by KITKAT’s   be replaced with sturdy paper.
          free zones and border stores, diplomatic   premium offering, KITKAT Senses, says   “This move is a great example of
          and military, areas where we felt we were   Spada.                   Nestlé taking the lead in sustainability,”
          underdeveloped. A lot of products sold   For 2021, Nestlé is extending the   continues Dryburgh. “We were the
          in these channels are the day-to-day food   line with a lower-priced travel retail   first confectionery brand to use 100%
          category business rather than the impulse   exclusive – KITKAT Senses Tablets --with   sustainable cocoa for KITKAT. Now with
          buying of confectionery you see in airports.   a suggested retail price of under five euros.   SMARTIES we are the first children’s
          This has really offset some of the worst that   The new tablets are available in three   global confectionery brand to move to
          has happened this year,” he noted.  flavors: Caramel Crisp, Cookie Crumble   paper across all formats.”
                                            and Hazelnut Crunch, and will launch on   NITR will also be starting the roll out
                                            March 1, 2021.                     of recyclable packaging for all its travel
                                                “KITKAT Senses Tablets create a   retail Nestlé Mixes & Quality Street pouch
                                            complete brand portfolio with products   and sharing bags during 2021. Nestlé aims
                                            available to suit any occasion within   to have 100% of its packaging recyclable
                                            the Elevated Experience and Deeper   or reusable by 2025.
                                            Connections need-states,” explains
                                            Dryburgh.                          NESTLÉ SWISS: A travel retail
                                                Nestlé will bring the KITKAT   exclusive success story
                                            portfolio to life in 2021 with its V.I.B   NESTLÉ SWISS, Nestlé’s successful
                                            Lounge concept initially introduced to   travel retail exclusive tablet with visible
                                            retailers at TFWA World Exhibition last   ingredients launched in 2019 with three
                                            year and implemented highly successfully   flavors, is relaunched in a new “more self-
                                            for Chinese New Year during January 2020   indulgent size” of 170g.  The three original
                                            at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 in   flavors are joined by NESTLÉ SWISS
                                            partnership with Lagardère Travel Retail.   Dark Blueberry 170g.

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