Page 38 - TMI Special 10-11 2020 FlipBookv2
P. 38


                                            Going beyond confection to coffee and
                                            infant products
                                                One of the more exciting innovations
                                            for NITR is the introduction of
                                            opportunities from across the group’s
                                            portfolio, such as the launch of Nescafé
                                            Gold into travel retail for 2021. Since its
                                            introduction in 1938 Nescafé has grown to
                                            become a global icon, making it a natural
                                            for traveling consumers, says Dryburgh.
                                            The Nescafé offer will include product for
                                            premium, standard and value buying levels.
                                                “We have gone to great lengths to
                                            ensure that our 2021 Innovations are
                                            relevant across all category growth drivers,
                                            taking into account the changing pattern of
                                            travel,” he said.
                                                Nescafé has achieved phenomenal
                                            year-on-year growth in travel retail since it
                                            was first launched in 2016, and experienced
              The new addition to the collection   a +120% sales increase between 2018 and   “It’s going to be a continuous exercise in
          combines dark Swiss chocolate with   2019, said Spada. “We see great need for   understanding where the requirements are
          blueberry, almonds and hazelnuts, which   the product in this channel.”   in the marketplace and for the consumer
          received highly favorable feedback in   NITR is launching its iconic Nescafé   and to determine where the operational
          Cannes last year.                 Gold in airports where the brand is not   efficiencies are in the business. There will
              The NESTLÉ SWISS portfolio will be   readily available in the domestic market,   be rationalization in the industry and we
          supported in global travel retail with strong   including Asia Pacific, Latin America and   need to respond,” said Dryburgh.
          merchandising and POS displays that   Africa. For these regions, Nescafe Gold is   To add to this, says Spada, there are
          promote the Swiss lifestyle concept.   aspirational, with its sustainably sourced   opportunities outside of the traditional
                                            carefully selected Arabica beans, she said.  airports. “When we come to moments like
          Refresh for After Eight               In regions where passengers are   now, with uncertainties and challenges,
              Nestlé has launched a London-themed   already familiar with Nescafé Gold, NITR   we have to understand the consumers,
          travel retail exclusive design for its After   is launching Nescafé Artesano Santuario,   understand the opportunities, and make
          Eight chocolate mints.  The 400g box   which is made with arabica beans from   sure to capitalize on them where possible.
          highlights the UK origins of the brand with   Colombia, which is the only market where   KITKAT is our strongest brand, a powerful
          a London skyline design.          the brand is sold domestically. Nestle is   brand with a unique offering, and has been
              Offering all year-round gifting,   also launching the full-flavored Nescafé   growing consistently. The After Eight
          After Eight 400g is launching four new   Red Pillar in border stores.   400g is also a very strong product and an
          new limited edition flavors for 2021:   “So between the three we are able   exciting format that differentiates with a
          Strawberry, Dark, Irish Coffee and Orange.  to meet a wide variety of shopper needs,”   very loyal base. We have to make sure that
               “The luxury allure and sense of   noted Spada.                  we can meet the consumers’ demands and
          heritage around the After Eight brand is   Additionally, NITR is also planning   that we can excite them, and excite the
          undeniable and we look forward to rolling   to introduce a range of premium infant   retailers, with our brands. It is a balancing
          out these new indulgent flavors in 2021,”   products under the illuma brand to travel   act.”
          says Dryburgh. “They are sure to appeal   retail, targeted at the Chinese consumer.  In the end, the Nestlé executives
          to traveling gift buyers who want an                                 reiterated the company’s commitment to
          impressive gift item from a brand that they   Operating in a new environment post-  the travel retail channel.
          know, trust and love.”            COVID                                  “COVID-19 may be having a most
                                                              One impact of    dramatic impact on our industry, but we at
                                                           the global health crisis   Nestlé believe in the future of travel retail
                                                           impacting travel is that   and our category, thanks to the passion
                                                           Nestlé is streamlining   for the experience and discovery that
                                                           the NITR portfolio,   travel brings to each and every one of us,”
                                                           cutting SKUs and    concluded Dryburgh.
                                                           focusing on the
                                                           top-selling priorities.

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