Page 42 - TMI Special 10-11 2020 FlipBookv2
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Duty Free Dynamics launches Writing & Arts category with
Regional distribution company Duty for writing, drawing and creative design, in toy shops, complementing DFD’s Toys
Free Dynamics continues to expand its says the DFD announcement. portfolio.
product portfolio, debuting new and Through its “Companion for Life” “We are thrilled to partner with
unique categories for the Americas Travel portfolio, Faber-Castell offers children such a historic and innovating brand as
Retail channel. and adults a wide array of innovative Faber-Castell. It strengthens our product
This week the innovative company products that promote fun and creative offering, allowing us to significantly
has unveiled its first brand in the Writing experiences. It includes the “Playing & expand our reach in the region and
& Arts category, with the announcement Learning” category – for kids from 3 deliver new experiences through our
that it has added Faber-Castell products to 12 years old – aimed at stimulating partner operators,” stated Tatiana Pinto,
to its portfolio. children’s natural creativity and “Art & DFD’s Category Manager for Writing &
Faber-Castell is one of the world’s Graphic,” which is held in high esteem Arts.
oldest, largest and most recognized by hobby painters and professionals Over the past few months, DFD has
manufacturers of high quality products alike. also introduced Swiss luxury brand Bally
Duty Free Dynamics to its portfolio.
will be distributing a With Bally, Duty Free Dynamics
select assortment of these is expanding its luxury lineup with the
product lines within its new product category of Leather Goods
extensive network of Travel & Accessories. DFD is introducing
Retail partner operators Bally’s full line of products, which it
throughout the entire will distribute throughout the travel retail
continent of the Americas, channel of the Americas.
featuring the best-selling DFD also expanded into the apparel
“Polychromos” artists’ color category with the introduction of the
pencils and sets. New Era headwear brand. DFD will
To cover all levels of be representing the brand in the travel
demand, DFD says that it retail channel of Latin America and the
is introducing the Faber- Caribbean.
Castell brand in multi- New Era is a fast-moving apparel
category and stationery accessory brand featuring sports caps
stores with products ranging with logos of the most famous teams
from personal use to gift -- part of today’s “athleisure” urban
items for all ages, as well as fashion, said the company.
October/November 2020 42