Page 10 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 10


          relief bill also sets aside $1 billion for   communicating with governments   requirements for border shops (SEPRO),
          aviation contractors and $8 billion for   and working in tandem with industry   and has also been working with Brazil
          airports to help them operate normally,   organizations including ACI LAC and the   to update the Duty Free allowance for
          limit the spread of the virus, and pay   Brazilian National Association of Airport   Brazilians shopping in border shops to
          workers and service their debts. In   Concessionaires. These efforts included   harmonize it with border allowances
          exchange for the aid, airports, contractors   letters to ICAO representatives in each   coming from other countries, which
          and airlines are prohibited from large   country with recommendations for global   Donagaray says is expected to go into
          layoffs through September and were forced   standards and recovery protocol; a letter   effect at the end of March.
          to make other concessions.        to the Uruguayan government to facilitate   Working with the Duty Free operators
              Riedi also spoke about the webinar   the pre-sale of airport Duty Free before   in all three countries (Brazil, Argentina and
          IAADFS had organized for members in   traveling and to discuss the possibility of   Uruguay,) ASUTIL is looking to introduce
          December, to discuss future opportunities.   selling products to local people paying a   Home Delivery from the duty free stores.
          Among the new ideas discussed were duty   tax at borders.               ASUTIL also worked with the
          free on arrival; increasing the current duty   ASUTIL successfully lobbied the   Uruguayan government, which has created
          free allowance and changing the practice   Brazilian Government to reduce the   a commission for “no presencial” sale to
          of confiscating liquor products at transit   costs association with the IT information   tourists in borders.
          airports on U.S. bound flights.

              Barbara Barrett, Executive Director
          of the Frontier Duty Free Association,
          presented an update on the situation in
              Land border stores are seriously
          affected since the Canada /U.S. Border has
          been closed to all but essential workers
          since March 21, 2020 and closure is
          currently extended to at least April 21,
          2021 (likely to extend well beyond). As
          a result, some 75% of land border stores
          are completely closed, and those open to
          essential workers have very little traffic
              The FDFA was able to join a Coalition
          of the Hardest Hit, which has resulted
          in the government approving a Highly
          Affected Sectors Credit Availability
          Program (HASCAP), a liquidity program   LATAM: With the surge in coronavirus cases and the variants out of Brazil at press time, South
          that became available in February.  America might not return to pre-COVID passenger levels until 2025.
              FDFA also successfully advocated
          for a rent subsidy that would be provided
          directly to tenants, and allow Duty Free
          stores to receive up to 65% in base subsidy.
          Additional negotiations are underway as
              To help the Duty Free sector recover,
          FDFA is also pursuing the creation of a
          Canadian Duty Free Zone; the restart of
          Canada’s Visitor Rebate Program and of
          prime importance, the safe reopening of the
          Canada-U.S. border.

              Looking at the situation in South
          America, Jose Luis Donagaray, Secretary
          General of South American Duty Free
          Association ASUTIL, said that the        Quarantines will prevent some three quarters of potential passengers from traveling,
          association continues to work vigilantly   says ACI World.

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 10
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