Page 52 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
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Juan Gentile creates Distribution Spirits Company to build
premium brands in the Caribbean
Respected spirits executive Juan Gen- “I have formalized a few brands (Mos-
tile has created his own wine and spirits kovskaya vodka, Tequila Kah, Cosmopoli-
distribution company based in Miami with tan Diva) from the Amber Beverage Group,
a focus on the Caribbean and duty free Rutini wines, Aguardiente Antioquenio.
markets. “I will also represent Four Loko
Gentile, who worked for Edrington throughout much of the Caribbean (except
for almost 20 years most recently as Senior for a couple of islands). This is the perfect
Vice President, Managing Director Ameri- channel for Four Loko,” he says.
cas Travel Retail at Edrington Americas, “While the idea is to have a few high
tells TMI he will use his category and end brands, we will also have standard
regional expertise to find the right portfolio Juan Gentile, brands, because my dual strategy is to also
for the right markets. Distribution Spirits Company Founder supply retail through Promo’s strong distri-
“I have been working in the region bution arm. I see an opportunity for niche
for many years and there are many brands bringing my marketing and commercial and premium brands.”
out there with a need to grow to their full experience from premium and luxury Gentile says he is excited to travel to
potential in the Caribbean and duty free. So spirits as well as my expertise managing the markets and believes his long experi-
I decided to create a company that special- distributors.” ence in the industry will make Distribution
izes in sales, distribution, and marketing of Gentile is launching the new venture Spirits Company the right company to
premium wines and spirits. My expertise with a partnership with regional distribu- build brands in the region.
comes from Macallan and I understand tion company Promo International Inc. “I want to be a brand builder. I know
the premium and super premium sector of “I needed financing and structure. how to build premium brands, how to get
spirits.” Promo International, owned by Sergio San- to the consumer, how to train the people.
The new company, called Distribu- chez, has been in the market for more than I understand strategically what the brands
tion Spirits Company or DISC, opened in 25 years. The company sells into the Carib- need,” he says.
January. bean, focusing on fast moving consumer “I want to work with people and brands
“This is coming alive and I am very goods such as groceries and health. They with which we have a cultural fit and can
excited. I want to focus on luxury/super represent important brands like Kellogg’s have fun working together. When you have
premium and have one or two brands and Unilever. The idea with this partnership your own company you want to work with
maximum in each key category. I am trying is to create the spirits side of Promo.” people that you enjoy working with. This
to be selective and go for key brands,” he Distribution Spirits Company has industry is about the relationships and about
says. already added some wines and spirits to being present in the market.”
“I understand strategically what the its portfolio with more announcements For more information contact
brands need. I will have a strong portfolio, expected in May.
The Family Brands Alliance: stronger together in tough times
Since its formation in 2017, the center in Miami,” says Waldemar Behn’s Scandinavian design traditions in the iconic
Family Brands Alliance has been growing Tito Gonzalez. bottle with graphic design by Jacob Jensen.
steadily on a global scale, and now com- The coronavirus pandemic has cer- Pallini Limoncello, made from Sfusato
prises four 100% family-owned partners: tainly impacted the travel retail business of Amalfitano lemon, only found in the
DANZKA Vodka, Pallini Limoncello, the Alliance, but Gonzalez says Waldemar Amalfi Coast, is the N° 1 Limoncello brand
Bache-Gabrielsen Cognac, and G’Vine Behn has tackled crises for well over a in Duty Free & Travel Retail.
Floraison Gin. century. Bache-Gabrielsen Cognac is the first
“The Family Brand Alliance allows “Each family brand member is over brand to release an American Oak Cognac,
all four brands to meet the challenges of 100 years old; this is not our 1st global aged in French Oak barrels combined with
globalization and consolidation in travel crisis. Families take care of each other and a minimum of six months in new American
retail by offering a diverse, but still indi- grow stronger in times of crisis. We are Oak barrels.
vidual portfolio. The Alliance enables us confident we will get through COVID-19 G’Vine Floraison Gin, made from the
to create synergies and optimize logistics, and emerge stronger for it,” he tells TMI. noble and smooth grape spirit, is a blend of
marketing and service through our own Waldemar Behn is the producer of 10 botanicals, notably the vine flower.
sales team based in the Americas under the premium spirit DANZKA, which combines For more information, please contact Tito
Waldemar Behn structure, and distribution the best of Scandinavian distilling arts with Gonzalez; PH. +507 6675 4380.
The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021 52