Page 13 - AzVEG Booklet
P. 13
Fashion & Décor Entertainment
Most of us are familiar with the Animals imprisoned and ‘trained’ for
anti-fur movement and recognize entertainment purposes in aquari-
that this is a horrid industry to ums, zoos, circuses, rodeos, and
be avoided. Similar effort should the like; are also forced to endure
be made in avoiding any product a life that is void of happiness and
derived from animals such as freedom. As a result, animals in
leather or other animal skin, captivity often show signs of men-
wool, silk, and feathers/down. tal distress that can cause them to
Luckily, finding animal-free and lash-out when they hit a snapping
compassionate choices for the point and can take no more. They
clothes and shoes we wear, along also often live less years in captivity
with the items we use like furniture than their wild counterparts.
and other home goods, has never
been easier. So go ahead, be a As with any industry, the best way
vegan fashionista. to avoid supporting these industries
that exploit animals is with your
wallet. If people stop purchasing
leather products, or stop paying
admission fees to zoos, they will be
forced to adapt to a better model,
or shut down and discontinue their
operation entirely.
part 6 | choices beyond our plate