Page 8 - AzVEG Booklet
P. 8
You can’t call yourself an environmentalist
and eat meat. Period.
Howard Lyman
Our planet’s environment is to follow a vegan lifestyle, you
precious and we need to all do our can help protect the natural
part to not only protect it, but also environment more than any other
try to improve it. Raising animals way.
for food (commonly called Animal
Agriculture, Factory Farming, and Each day, a person who eats a
Aquaculture) takes an incredible vegan diet saves 1,100 gallons
amount of the earth’s resources of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30
and is one of the principal sources sq ft of forested land, 20 lbs CO2
of the pollution and toxins being equivalent, and one animal’s life.
dumped today. By choosing