Page 4 - AzVEG Booklet
P. 4
Personal health
& nutrition
The World Health Organization (WHO) is not only the best way to meet your
has linked many of the chronic nutritional needs, but also reduce your
diseases that plague the majority risk for many of these chronic diseases.
Americans who follow a “westernized” In fact, several peer-reviewed and
or Standard American Diet (SAD), reputable studies have shown that
including: people following a vegan diet can
q Obesity actually reverse the damage caused
q Diabetes by many chronic diseases including
q Cardiovascular Disease heart disease and diabetes. So while
q Cancer prescription pills and injections
q Alzheimer’s Disease may help you m manage your disease,
q Osteoporosis and bone fracture following a healthy vegan diet will help
q Dental Disease you aavoid the disease and could
actually help you ccure the disease.
A well-balanced and diverse vegan diet
Doesn’t this sound like a better option?