Page 2 - AzVEG Booklet
P. 2
part 1 | welcome
Thank you for taking the time to consider resources like our website, found at www.AzVEG.
adopting a plant-based, vegan lifestyle. We here org. It is my hope that as you come to understand
at Arizona Vegan Education Group (AzVEG) believe this knowledge in greater depth, perhaps for the
that this lifestyle choice is not about restriction, first time, that you too will agree that a vegan
as many would try to define it; but rather a choice lifestyle is the best (and only) choice for the food
to expand your care, concern, and awareness – you eat, your fashion, and your entertainment.
towards your own personal health, towards the
impact we have on the environment, and most You will not be alone on this journey. The vegan
importantly, towards all sentient animals that we movement is growing bigger and faster than ever
share this planet. before as more and more people realize that it is
the responsible and compassionate decision, and
sen·tien AzVEG will be with you too.
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Thank you again.
able to percieve or feel thingsfeel things
able to percieve or
Within the pages of this booklet, it is our intent to
give you some introductory information and plant
some seeds that will grow into a desire to learn Dennis Cymbalski
more about veganism through other outside Director & Founder
Arizona Vegan Education Group