Page 6 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course. Chp 1 Manual.7.13.20_Neat
P. 6

Chapter 1: Remote Pilot Certification

               When  a  pilot  certificate  is  issued,  it  lists  the  certification  level  which  defines  privileges  and
               limitations  of  that certificate  holder,  such  as  Remote  Pilot,  Private  Pilot,  Flight Instructor,  or
               Airline Transport Pilot (ATP).  Additionally, the issued pilot certificate will include the category
               of  aircraft  in  which  the  certificates  holder  is  qualified.    The  term  “category”  means  a  board
               classification of aircraft, such as airplane, rotor craft, glider, and lighter-than-air.  Small unmanned
               aircraft (sUAS) is a “rating”

               Am sUAS operation may involve one individual or a team of crewmembers.  These sUAS crew
               roles include:

                   ✓  Remote PIC – a person who holds a current remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating
                       and has the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the sUAS.
                   ✓  Person manipulating the controls – a person controlling the sUAS under direct
                       supervision of the remote PIC, or the remote PIC themselves, if controlling the sUAS.
                   ✓  Visual Observer (VO) – a person acting as a flight crewmember to help see and avoid air
                       traffic or other objects in the sky, overhead, or on the ground.

               The aviation context, the FAA typically refers to “licensing” as “certification.” Just like a manned
               aircraft pilot-in-command, the remote PIC an sUAS is directly responsible for, and is the final
               authority as to the operation of that UAS.  The remote PIC will have final authority over the flight.
               Additionally, a person manipulating the controls can participate in flight operations under certain

               A person acting as a remote PIC of an sUAS in the National Airspace System under part 107 must
               obtain a Remote Pilot certificate with an sUAS rating issued by the FAA prior to sUAS operation.
               The remote PIC must have this certificate easily accessible during flight operations.

               To apply for a Part 107 remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating, you must satisfy the following
               eligibility requirements:

                   ✓  Be at least 16 years old
                   ✓  Be  able  to  read,  speak,  write  and  understand  the  English  Language  (FAA  may  make
                       exceptions for medical reasons).
                   ✓  Be in a physical and mental condition that would not interfere with the safe operation of
                   ✓  Fulfill training testing requirements (defined in 14 CFR Part 107)

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