Page 9 - Tuskegee Airmen Drone License Preparatory Course. Chp 1 Manual.7.13.20_Neat
P. 9

Chapter 1: Remote Pilot Privileges

               The remote PIC is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of the sUAS
               conducted under 14 CFR Part 107.  He or she must:

                   ✓  Be designated before each flight (but can change during the flight)
                   ✓  Ensure that the operation poses no undue hazard to people, aircraft, or property in the event
                       of a loss of control of the aircraft for any reason.
                   ✓  Operate the small unmanned aircraft to ensure compliance with all applicable previous and

               Being able to safely operate the sUAS relies on among other things, the physical and mental
               capacbilites  of  the  remote  PIC,  person  manipulating  the  controls,  VO,  and  any  other  direct
               participants in the SUAS operation.  Through the person manipulating the controsl of an sUAS
               and VO are not required to obtain an airman medical certificate, they may not participate in the
               operation of an sUAS if they know or have reason to know that they have a physical or mental
               condition that could interfere with the safe operation of the sUAS.

               A person may not operate or act as a remote PIC or VO in the operation of more than one UA at
               the same time.  Additionally, Part 107 allows transfer of control of an sUAS between certificated
               remote pilots.  Two or more certificated remote pilots transferring operational control (i.e. the
               remote PIC designation) to each other may do so only if they are both capable of maintaining
               VLOS of the UA and without loss of control (LOC).  For example, one remote pilot may be
               designated the remote PIC at the beginning of the operation, and then at some point in the operation
               another remote pilot may take over as remote PIC by positively communicating that he or she is
               doing so.  As the person responsible for this safe operation of the UAS, any remote pilot who will
               assume remote PIC duties should meet all of the requirements of Part 107, including awareness of
               factors that could affect the flight.

               Remote Pilot Privileges

               Section 1:  The PIC is directly responsible for:

                                                                    o Flight plans must be completed prior to
                                                                    the flight but can be changed during the

                                                                    o Filling flight plans prior the launch will
                                                                    ensure the flight plan poses no undue
                                                                    hazard to people, aircraft, or property in
                                                                    the event the remote pilot losses control of
                                                                    the unmanned aircraft.

                   o  An unmanned aircraft must comply to all compliance and regulations to ensure applicable
                       provisions are in place documented with the FAA.

                                                   DRONE PART 107 CERTICIFACTION PREPARATION COURSE       9
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