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From the Dean's desk

                                                    As the year draws to a close, we reect with pride, the achievements made
                                                    by our staff and students as well as the highs and lows that we had to
                                                    overcome as the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET).
                                                    As the Executive Dean of CSET, I am personally grateful for the efforts put
                                                    forth by our academic and support staff in cooperating with the college and
                                                    ensuring that exams are conducted well and completed in time.

                                                    COVID-19 is very much still with us, and were still trying to nd a sweet spot.
                                                    This year we saw more staff returning to work, particularly our laboratories
                                                    returning to their lively state and almost on full operation. While other staff
                                                    members decided to continue with the working from home arrangement,
                                                    they have done well in attending all meetings hosted virtually, physically or in
                                                    a hybrid format. Even through the prevalence of loadshedding in South
                                                    Africa, it did not appear as though this was a major challenge as our staff and
                                                    students went to lengths of using their personal data and other means of
                                                    back up to ensure that the work continues. Through both pandemics, we
                                                    have not received reports on staff not pulling their weight.

                                                    Within a short space of time, we were able to respond to the call by Unisa's
                                                    Vice  Chancellor  of  appointing  distinguished  professors.  The  caliber  of
                                                    candidates interviewed was very impressive and the process was concluded
                                                    within the specied time frame. CSET is indeed set up for success and is
                                                    consistent in raising the bar. To this end, I wish to thank Mr Titus Masego and
                                                    Mr Julius Maano for their role in the HR Advisory. They have made it possible
                                                    for CSET to emerge once again as a college active in its recruitment drive
                                                    and concluded its necessary appointments within a short period of time.

                                                    We  are  also  excited  at  the  fact  that  all  of  7  Advanced  Diplomas  in
                                                    Engineering programmes offered in CSET's School of Engineering were
                                                    recommended  for  ECSA  accreditation  for  the  next  ve  years.  We
                                                    congratulate the leadership and staff at the School of Engineering, and the
                                                    rst Head of Quality at CSET, Prof Corne Van Staden, for ensuring that our
                                                    academic programmes have received a clean bill of health, as it were, from
                                                    ECSA. Moreover, this year, the globally respected and widely referenced
                                                    Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which rates over 1 700
                                                    universities  across  104  countries  and  regions,  has  placed  Unisa's
                                                    engineering disciplines across the board in joint rst place in South Africa,
                                                    with North West University and Stellenbosch University.

                                                    This year, we saw the Institute of Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability
                                                    (iNanoWS), rise to occasion of being an African institute shaping futures in
                                                    the service of humanity, wherein, they embarked on several visits to African
                                                    countries including Botswana, Lesotho and Tanzania with the aim to work
                                                    collaboratively with institutions located in the mentioned countries. The
                                                    institute also hosted a successful 2022 iNanoWS Guvhangano in October,
                                                    which  attracted  attendance  and  participation  of  more  than  200  key
                                                    stakeholders from industry, academia and government: all working in the
                                                    eld of water treatment and sustainability. Still on the subject of African
                                                    countries,  our  CSET  marketing  and  communication  team  was  heavily
                                                    involved in student recruitment drives organised by the Department of
                                                    Institutional Advancement aimed at spreading the message about CSET
                                                    and its offering in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Namibia, Ghana and Ethiopia.
                                                    We once again congratulate all staff members who recognized for their
                                                    excellence by various awarding bodies including those recognised during
                                                    the 2022 Unisa Research and Innovation awards ceremony.  Notably, Prof

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