Page 24 - Proof
P. 24

       Information governance
Information security
Cyber security
Data protection
Always lock your computer or laptop screen before walking away from it
Ensure any patient or hospital information is locked away when not in use
Be cautious of your surroundings when discussing patients (do not let others overhear)
Always report breaches, and near misses, to Datix
Only print out what you really need. Pick up print-outs from the printer promptly
Dispose all printed documents containing sensitive data securely using the confidential waste bins when the documents are no longer required.
Encrypt emails that contain sensitive medical information
Log off once finished with a computer
Report suspicious emails to the IT Service desk
Always double-check who you’re sending an email to before clicking send.
Protect patient and company information as if it were your own
Always report data breaches and near misses on Datix
Complete your Data Protection SMT training
Always adhere to our information governance policies and procedures
Check if a patient L number already exists before you create a new one.
Click on links in emails that have come from someone, or an organisation, you don’t know or aren’t expecting to hear from
Let others use a computer you’re logged on to
Share passwords or usernames for any IT systems
Use personal external memory devices (USB sticks) to store hospital information or patient data.
Share personal data with anyone unless you’ve performed appropriate verification checks (if patient) or you’ve a lawful basis (if third party)
Leave medical records, reports or notes unattended
Leave confidential or patient information on printers, and if you find any, put it in the confidential waste bins
Send patient information to your personal email account.
Share information with someone unless you know they have a ‘Need to Know’
Leave patient files unattended
Write something in an email if you’d not put it on a post card
Let unauthorised people see sensitive data.
      If you’ve any questions about information security, data protection or cyber security, please contact:
Information Security & Data Protection
Cyber Security
       24 A more complete kind of care
     Staff manual.indd 24
11/08/2022 16:44

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