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                                                                                                                                                                                                  Freedom to speak up guardians
The importance of raising a concern
Speaking up is about saying when you see or hear something that you feel could impact patient or colleague safety, result in unfair treatment of a colleague or patient, or a sign of bullying or harassment.
                                                                                           Our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian is Rochelle Francois
       2 2 2 2 A A m m o o r re e c coom mp pl el et et e k ki ni nd d o of f c ca ar er e
       Staff manual.indd 22
11/08/2022 16:44
                                     You SPEAK up.
We LISTEN up and FOLLOW up.
Have you seen something at work that you’ve felt unable to speak up about?
As Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, we volunteer our time to support colleagues to speak up and raise concerns.
Speaking up is vital because it allows us to:
Protect patient and worker safety Strengthen quality of care
Improve the experience of workers Promote learning and improvement
Let’s start speaking up.
To find out more, contact
  We’re here for you.
As healthcare workers, we are all responsible for speaking up. If you feel unable to speak to your manager or HR, you can talk to us.
Patient safety
Worker safety
Unfair treatment of staff Bullying and harassment
Speaking up is about identifying anything that gets in the way of doing a great job. This may include:
Let’s start speaking up.
You can reach us easily...
Contact guardians directly (details on the intranet). Submit your concern anonymously into our suggestion boxes around the Clinic. Or why not invite us to a meeting to find out more?

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