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Caldicott guardian
Protecting patient information & confidentiality
We all have a role in ensuring that information about patients, or those using our services, is used legally, ethically and appropriately, and that confidentiality is maintained. The eight Caldicott Principles, detailed to the right, can be used
as a test to decide whether you should share information that could identify an individual.
Our Caldicott Guardian, Tonya Kloppers, is responsible for advising on the legal and ethical use of confidential information about patients and staff.
If you’ve any concerns about patient information or confidentiality, raise them with Tonya Kloppers, our Caldicott Guardian.
Maintaining patient confidentiality
The eight Caldicott principles
1 Justify the purpose(s) for using confidential information.
2 Use confidential information only when it’s necessary.
3 Use the minimum amount of confidential information.
4 Limit access to confidential information to only those who need-to-know.
5 Everyone with access to confidential information must be aware of their responsibilities.
6 Comply with all laws and regulations.
The duty to share information for individual care is as important as the duty to protect patient confidentiality.
Inform patients, and those accessing services, about how their confidential information will be used.
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30 A more complete kind of care
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11/08/2022 16:44