Page 13 - impact booklet download
P. 13



                “It’s all about the stories we tell and how we tell them”

        Stories can be used to inspire the organization, set a vision, teach important
        lessons, define culture and values, and explain who you are and what you

        How to build your story

        Two main levers: Chronology and Dramaturgy

           ▪  Simplicity of the Chronology:  from past to future, it follows a
               natural path

           ▪  Power of Drama: you play with emotions, from negative to
               positive ones, from pain to pleasure, overcoming your issues

                               An Example of Structure inspired by Tale

                        A TALE                       YOUR REALITY                      EMOTIONS

             My (or your) KINGDOM              My (or your) Company /
             (description) is in danger        Context                           negative emotions

             A present or potential Drama      We (you…) are facing an
             is there (rats invading your      issue, we (you…) have to
             city …)                           react

             A HERO is appearing  with         A new product, new process,       An idea is coming, a
             his magic SWORD                   a team…                           hope is there…

             He is facing TRIALS, he has       Risks, dangers,                   “Blood, Sweat and
             to FIGHT                          competitors…                      Tears…”

             You are reaching the GRAAL,  Success, benefits,                     You end with positive
             Eden…                             advantages…                       emotions
             « They had many children
             and lived happily ever

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