Page 8 - impact booklet download
P. 8



        Your gestures make your ideas more
        they give an image to your words and make
        you more convincing

        Let your arms fall naturally along the side of                                                           -
        your body: (when seated, open on the table).
        Relaxed arms lead to spontaneous gestures.                    Always obey the following:
                                                                      Use sober sincere gestures (no “sleeve

                                                                      Use calm, open gestures (show the
        Make your ideas evident: Move your hands away                 palms of your hands)
        from your body and open them towards the audience             Spontaneous gestures come from below
                                                                      the waist

        Bring your images to life: Let your gestures
        come naturally and sculpt your emotions and images
        in the air.

        Show your conviction:
        Reinforce your ideas and punctuate your state-               AVOID TICS
        ments with gestures
        Use full, convincing gestures. A convincing gesture
        comes at the same time as the words, it serves to          Nervous, rapid gestures (shooing flies)
        illustrate.                                                A pointed finger (threatening) or raised finger
                                                                   Hands (constantly) in your pockets or behind
                                                                   your back or your arms crossed
                                                                   Hands  clenched  or rubbed  together, fingers

                                                                   Arms  crossed  at  the  elbows  (“small  arm”

      USE GESTURES TO SPEAK                                        gestures)

      FREELY                                                              Hands full of pens or markers

                                                                   Ineffectual, evasive hands, fists closed, etc.

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