Page 5 - impact booklet download
P. 5

    GET RID OF YOUR STAGE                                     ADOPT AN UPRIGHT

    FRIGHT NOW                                                POSTURE
             Stage fright can be your ally                      Your image and control depend
    To free your energy, go calmly into action                       primarily on your posture

    ▪  Body:                                                  ▪  Three priorities
        Breathe out. Rest and breathe again
       (pause)                                                •    Plant your feet firmly on the ground (one of
                                                                 the  basic rules of the martial arts) and take
        Stand firmly on the floor (ground your
    •                                                            up a comfortable stance
        Let go: relax your body, your pelvis, your            •    Let yourself go: relax your body, your
        arms                                                     shoulders,  your arms and your face by
        Put your chest out and relax your                        breathing out completely
        shoulders                                             •    “Define your territory”: broaden and stabilize
        Open your hands                                          your  base
        Look calmly at the audience
        Smile a little (inside)                               ▪  When standing up:
                                                              •    Bring your center of gravity down to help you

    ▪  Voice:                                                     stay the distance
        Slow down your delivery                               •   Place your pelvis in line with the rest of your
        Speak louder and mark the end of each                         body (not tilted backwards)
        sentence.                                             •   Stand upright (imagine a golden thread pulling
        Take your voice down to the middle                          you up)
        register                                              •   Lower down your shoulders and relax your arms
                                                                 Take possession of your whole body by feeling
        Articulate, with emphasis on the
        consonants                                               it from the inside

    ▪  Language:                                              ▪  When sitting down:

        Use short, simple sentences                           •    Place your feet on the ground (and don’t fold
                                                                  or cross them)

    ▪  Ideas:                                                 •    Keep your trunk upright
                                                              •    Place your hands, open and relaxed, on the
        State the essential, what you’re sure of
        Be brief.                                                  table
          Don’t spin out what you have to say.                •    Avoid leaning forward and putting your elbows

        Consult your notes calmly, without fuss        -          on the table

    ▪  Emotion:
        Accept your emotion. It’s only a passing                 Determine your best posture,
        Show your pleasure, your calm and your                   combining tranquility and muscle
        conviction                                               tone “Tranquil Strength”

         Whatever happens, stay calm.

     Breathe and relax before you begin
        to speak and before a new idea

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