Page 20 - 2024 CTT Title & Escrow Guide for Buyers & Sellers - Oregon
P. 20



                                                                      as well as downloading our wire
                 StartInHere  is a secure, digital                    instructions.
                 workspace for home buyers
                 and sellers to engage with                           If you get interrupted during the
                 Chicago Title as they begin                          interview process or you need to ask
                 their real estate transaction                        someone about an answer to one of
                 in a more secure and intuitive                       the questions, you can always come
                 digital consumer experience.                         back through the link in your initial
                                                                      email anytime and it will remember
                                                                      where you left off. You can also
                                                                      make an Earnest Money Deposit
             Shortly after your escrow is opened,                     using startInHere®.
             you should expect to receive via email
             our StartinHere® Digital Open Package.                   StartinHere  Mobile Deposit
             This digital package also includes all the               allows buyers to enjoy the safety
             questions required on the Statement of                   and simplicity of depositing their
             Information.                                             earnest money from the
                                                                      convenience of their smartphone.

             To get started, you will be asked to
             authenticate using a 6-digit code
             using your email or mobile phone or                      StartinHere Mobile Deposit
             even a land line. We will ask you to                     is a contact-free and safe
             provide information relating to the
             escrow through this secure process                       way to deliver earnest

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