Page 24 - 2024 CTT Title & Escrow Guide for Buyers & Sellers - Oregon
P. 24


             ADDRESS CHANGE                                         DON’T FORGET TO:

             ☐  Give forwarding address to post                     ☐  Arrange for Movers ahead of time
                office 2 to 3 weeks before moving                   ☐  Arrange for storage ahead of time
             ☐  Change charge accounts, credit                      ☐  Use up things that can’t be moved
                cards                                                  - such as food in your freezer and
             ☐  Subscriptions: Notice requires 6 to                    flammable household aerosol
                8 weeks                                                cleaning products
             ☐  Friends and relatives                               ☐  Hold a garage sale
             ☐  Banks                                               ☐  Carry enough cash or traveler’s
             ☐  Credit Cards                                           checks to cover cost of moving

             ☐  Credit Monitoring Service (if any)                     services and expenses until you
             ☐  Mobile Phone Carrier                                   make banking connections in new
             ☐  Auto Loan or any other Loan                            city
                company                                             ☐  Carry jewelry and documents
             ☐  Car License & registration                             yourself during moving
             ☐  Driver’s License                                    ☐  Double check closets, drawers,
                                                                       shelves to be sure they are empty

                                                                    ☐  Leave old keys, garage door openers,
             BE SURE TO TRANSFER                                       broiler pans, house plans and
             OR CANCEL:                                                instruction manuals needed by new

             ☐  Home owners’ policy                                    owner with real estate agent

             ☐  Gas & Electric                                      ☐  Have new address recorded on
             ☐  Water                                                  driver’s license and car registration
             ☐  Garbage                                             ☐  Visit city offices and register to vote
             ☐  Telephone (Land Line)
             ☐  Cable (Return all cable boxes and
             ☐  Internet

             ☐  Alarm Service (if any)
             ☐  Landscaping Service (if any)
             ☐  Pool Service (if any)
             ☐  Children’s schools records
                (transfer to new school)

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