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Security and Compliance. ROI+ enables paCent medical records to be delivered directly to the Requestor through a secure online portal versus tradiConal, less secure delivery by fax and mail. Moreover, the Clinic group can now audit precisely who opened each medical record, when it was viewed, and which porCon of the record was viewed.
Without the proper technological tools in place, ROI request fulfillment can be a Cme-consuming, costly, and inefficient process. ImplemenCng ROI+ provided the Clinic group with revenue collecCon, reporCng, and automated processing that has increased their producCvity, cost- efficiency, and security. The delivery model achieved through the ROI+ pla]orm can enable healthcare organizaCons to provide the most successful and compliant ROI processing available.
ABT ROI+ A liate Channel Grows Rapidly
ABT Medical is bringing new companies into the Release of InformaCon market space. These ABT Affiliates are challenging the established players in the ROI industry by providing superior service and an extensive suite of addiConal healthcare-oriented services not available elsewhere. They are rapidly acquiring clients on a naConwide basis through innovaCon and unmatched same-day fulfillment processing.
Difference 1: Our ROI+ Affiliates recognize the need to offer Providers two opCons for fulfilling ROI requests: either to process requests for paCent medical records in-house or to outsource the processing. Our Affiliates understand that the Provider community wants to be given choices best- suited to their unique revenue needs and operaCng environment. TradiConal ROI service companies offer a single opCon—outsourcing.
Difference 2: The “revenue share” programs offered currently by ROI vendors typically require Providers to process the requests that do not generate revenue (e.g., conCnuing care) themselves, while the vendor processes the billable requests that generate all the profit. Our Affiliates process all requests—both non-billable and billable—and offer fair and aJainable revenue share programs without placing costly FTE resource burdens on the Providers.
Difference 3: Because of the extraordinary efficiencies of the ROI+ pla]orm, ABT Affiliates do not need to use the tradiConal Spoke & Hub processing model. The Spoke & Hub model requires staff on-site (Spoke) to log incoming requests, capture paCent medical file images, and upload those files to a remote physical locaCon (Hub) for addiConal processing before the paCent files are ready to be sent to the Requestor. As ROI fees conCnue to compress, ROI vendors will be challenged to maintain profitability and service levels acceptable to Providers. With the ABT ROI+ pla]orm, our Affiliates avoid the capital outlay required to build and maintain an expensive Hub infrastructure, as all requests can be fulfilled at the Provider’s site, with no need for a remote Hub facility.
Difference 4: ABT Affiliates realize tremendous print and fax cost-savings by delivering 95% of requested paCent records through the ROI+ Requestor Web portal. In contrast, all other ROI vendors forward 85% of paCent records by unsecured, paper-based fax and mail, thereby pukng paCent privacy at significant risk. The advanced ROI+ pla]orm feature/funcConality translates into faster response Cmes to saCsfy Requestors, lower costs for the Affiliate, and a real “revenue share” opportunity for the Affiliate’s Provider-clients.
Difference 5: As our Affiliates expand their footprint in the marketplace, they are discovering that they are unique in allowing their Provider-clients unheard of “online/real-Cme” access to the ROI+ pla]orm to proacCvely monitor and review all request processing acCvity. TradiConal ROI vendors resist acCve oversight by Providers and, in many cases, restrict communicaCons and inquiries to an “e-mail only” exchange. ABT provides all Affiliate clients a toll-free “hotline” to field inquiries with 365 X 24 availability. Providers and Requestors alike comment on how novel and refreshing it is to be able to reach out to a “human voice” when in need of instant assistance for processing issues or billing quesCons and concerns.
To summarize, on-site processing and quality assurance, formulated revenue share programs, same-day fulfillment saCsfacCon, real-Cme Provider oversight capabiliCes, dual-opCon request processing (in-house or outsourced), 95% ROI+ Web portal access by Requestors, and 365 X 24 “hotline” support for Providers and Requestors gives the ABT Affiliate community an unparalleled compeCCve advantage over all other ROI service companies.
   AHIMA Show Success
 Our team exhibited at the 86th AHIMA Convention, held Sept. 27- Oct. 2 in San Diego. This event was attended by professionals from all segments of the healthcare industry. H ere are a few photos from the booth.
Our complete AHIMA 2014 album is posted for you on Facebook at
Chip Burton, COO; Angela Ford, Sr VP for Corp. CommunicaCons; Ken Kopald, president
Dr. Sam Harrison, CMO; Carlos Rodriguez, CEO of NEXT Medical Records; Ken Kopald, president
Dr. Sam Harrison, CMO, and Chip Burton, COO
Fo ow Us On F ACEBOOK!
       Angela Ford
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