Page 23 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 23

Approach I :                                         The element of incidence improvement (Rs 7016/-)
         Average actual premium rate for 2002-03 is  Rs 298/-  mentioned in approach II above workouts to be 23 times
                                                              the premium of 2002-03 of Rs 298/- Thus the increase of six
         Removal of Incidence impact 80% reduction  Rs 238/-
                                                              (6) times mentioned in the para after table II can be
         The premium for 2019-20 should have been   Rs 060/-  analysed as follows.
         (assuming other factors to have remained unaltered)
         Inflation should have increased this premium         Incidence improvement         (-) 23/24 times
         of Rs 60 to  (60*289/105)                  Rs 165/-
                                                              Inflation                     17/18 times
         Inflationary content in Rs 1754 Premium
         of 2019-20                                Rs 1117/-  Other factors                 10/11 times
         (1754-(1754/289*105), alternatively (1754-637) refer
         table IV above)                                      Having attempted to quantify and separate the contribution
                                                              of factors of Incidence, Inflation and Quantum of relief in
         The total increase in premium being 28 times, once we
                                                              the increase in premium rates, now we can try to further
         separate the impact of inflation from total increase the  direct the contribution of quantum of relief which appear
         balance will naturally represent the impact of quantum of  to have led to 10/11 times increase / change in the premium
         relief. Hence the above figures can be used to quantify the  rates.  In view of absences of factual data to facilitate this
         impact of inflation as well as that of quantum of relief. The  analysis, the inferences are drawn based on deductive
         inflationary content of Rs 1754 is Rs 1117/- (1754-(1754/  reasoning, from relevant common knowledge. Let us
         289*105) (refer table IV above). Thus the inflation impact  continue our analysis.
         of Rs 1117/- amounts to 18.61 times the incidence adjusted
         premium of Rs 60/-. Actual premium of Rs 1754/- against
         the expected premium (with inflation) of Rs 165/- represents  3. Quantum of Relief :
         the impact of factors other than inflation and incidence. This  a) Legal provisions  :
         is 11 times.                                         The Insurance of vehicles for third party liability is a
                                                              statutory mandate. The scope of the coverage is also defined
         Approach II :                                        in the law.  The said law in India is "The Motor Vehicle Act".
         Average premium rate for 2019-20 is       Rs 1754/-  Hence  any change in the provisions of the Motor Vehicle
         Remove the hidden benefit of incidence               Act is a factor which might affect the claims experience and
         reduction of 80%                          Rs 7016/-  thereby the premium rating. The Motor Vehicle Act has seen
                                                              several amendments  during these years. Though some of
         The premium for 2019-20 (without incidence
         benefit) should have been                 Rs 8770/-  the amended provisions are yet to be notified, many
                                                              changes have already been operationalised. The changes in
         Remove the inflationary content                      amount of no-fault liability and solatium payments have
         (8770-(8770/289*105))                     Rs 5584/-  definitely contributed in some measure to the increasing
         The average premium (without inflation               claims experience. They were made effective only from the
         and without incidence benefit)            Rs 3186/-  middle of 2019. Hence the impact of these changes remains
                                                              minimal. Considering the number of cases and the amount
         Inflation content of Rs 5584/- on original premium of Rs 298  of increase in the compensation of such claims (in
         works out to 18.73 times. Similarly the current premium  comparison with he total amount of claims), all those
         (without inflation and without incidence benefit) of Rs 3186/  familiar with the mechanism will agree that extent of  their
         - compared with premium of Rs 298/- of 2002-03 works out  contribution in increasing the rates is not likely to be really
         11 times This represents the impact of factors other than
                                                              significant.  Therefore operationalised changes in legal
         incidence and inflation. Both results are similar to the results
                                                              provisions can not be faulted for hefty increase seen in
         of approach I. (Since the premium is per vehicle the increase  premiums.
         in number of vehicles makes no difference)
                                                              b) Profile of the victims, like age, income/
         Thus the increase of 28 times in premium figure (from Rs
         60/- to Rs 1754/-) can be summarised as follows.     occupation, and dependency.
                                                              The amount of compensation (except for 'no fault liability')
         Caused by Inflation            : about 17/18 times   depends on the profile of the  victims. India has seen

         Caused by Quantum of relief    : about 10/11 times   significant socio-economic and demographic changes during

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