Page 25 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 25

It is necessary to mention here, the following three factors,  should not be lulled into any complacency in matters relating
         the relative indicators of which are assumed (for the  to a mechanism so vital to a healthy and safe society.
         purpose of above analyis) to have remained more or less
         same during the period under consideration.          References :
                                                              a.  All India Motor Tariff  Booklet  (2002) - Tariff Advisory
         1. The irresponsible attitude of owners and drivers, poor  Committee.
             maintenance of vehicles and roads, poor traffic  b.  IRDAI Circular IRDAINL / NL / NTFN / MOTP / 91 / 06 /
             management, and poor traffic sense amongst other    2018 on Motor Third Party Premium Rates for the year
             road users, clearly visible in every day life, might have  2019-20
             definitely applied brakes on the sliding incidence rate.  c.  Report of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways -
             Otherwise things would have been much better. Thus  Road Accidents in India 2019
             today's rates do have an element of charge on this  d.  Segmentwise Premium data published by General
             count and it cannot be totally ignored.
                                                                 Insurance Council.
         2. Often, insurers are blamed for poor management of
             their Third Party Liability claims portfolio. Expert               Annexure - A
             awards, poor drafting of written statements, abscence  Indicators of Road Accident Incidences 1970 - 2019 - Extract
             of effective control over dealing advocates, lack of co-  of Annual Report of Ministry of Road Transport and
             ordination amongst offices and similar other deficiencies  Highways.
             are widely noticed. It is possible that some amount of
             blame for increase in premium rates may have to be  Year  Number of    Number of     Accidents per
             attributed to these factors, if they are found to have   Accidents   Vehicles (000)  10000 vehicles
             aggravated over the years. At the same time it might  1970  114100       1401            814.4
             be noted that the Motor Third Party Liability portfolio  1980  153200    4521            338.9
             has been the focus of managements of these units and  1990  282600       19152           147.6
             continuous and constant efforts are made to improve  1994  325864        27660           117.8
             its management.
                                                              1995     351999         30295           116.2
         3. Scope for frauds, corruption and inefficiencies in the  1996  371204      33786           129.9
             system and processes seems to be relatively higher in  1997  373671      37332           100.1
             this mechanism than in other segments of human   1998     385018         41368           93.1
             activities. The premium rates do carry an element of  1999  386456       44875           86.1
             this cost.
                                                              2000     391449         48857           80.1
                                                              2001     405637         54991           73.8
         In any case these will not undermine the dominant role of  2002  407497      58924           69.2
         inflation and enhanced security content of judgements in  2003  406726       67007           60.7
         the huge hike seen in motor third party premium rates in  2004  429910       72718           59.1
         the period under review. Thus it can be concluded that
                                                              2005     439255         81502           53.9
         inflation and enhanced relief content have contributed to
         the hefty increase in premium during 2002-03 to 2019-20.  2006  460920       89618           51.4
                                                              2007     479216         96707           49.6
         Though it is risky to predict the future, yet the scope for  2008  484704   105353           46.0
         further liberlisation in the security content discussed above  2009  486384  114951          42.3
         seems to be limited (Only possibility of liberal treatment,  2010  499628   127746           39.1
         may relate to due recognition of services of housewife).  2011  497686      141866           35.1
         Hence coming decades may not witness the type of increase  2012  490383     159491           30.7
         in claims ratio / premium rates which was observed in the  2013  486476     181508           26.8
         period under study. Some amount of inflation being a normal  2014  489400   190704           25.7
         feature of modern economies, it will continue to drive (might  2015  501423  210023          23.9
         be at a moderate rate) the increase in claims and premium  2016  480652     230031           20.9
         rates.  As against this, despite several initiatives by the  2017  464910   253311           18.4
         government, the future improvement in incidence remains  2018  467044       272988           17.1
         a matter of guess. Therefore under any circumstances we  2019  449002       297190           15.1

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