Page 20 - Insurance Times December 2020
P. 20


         Aon launches lease with            figure is also multiplied by kilometres  support  safer,  greener  driving
         telematics-based pay-per-          driven to calculate the total monthly  behaviours by providing drivers with a
                                                                               dashboard of their performance behind
         use insurance                      Flee  will  monitor  mileage  via  the  the wheel, including fuel consumption
         Global  insurance  broker  Aon  has  telematics system - if the car hasn't  and incidents of harsh acceleration,
         launched a personal car leasing prod-  moved, the variable insurance element  cornering and braking, as well as ex-
         uct that includes pay-on-use insurance,  of the rental is zero.       ceeding speed limits.
         giving customers the advantage of sav-  "If, on the other hand, you travel, the  Alberto Falcione, Targa Telematics vice
         ing money when they are not driving.  variable part will be the value of the  president of sales, said: "Telematics and

         The company will adjust its insurance  kilometres traveled for the cost per  data analysis and management are cru-
         premiums according to how far a car  kilometre indicated," said Aon. "If you  cial to implement truly innovative solu-
         is driven, using a telematics system to  travel a little more, don't worry be-  tions able to effectively respond to
         track cars.                        cause you never pay more than the  changing customer needs. We provided

         Called Flee, the product has been de-  maximum amount indicated in your  Aon with our expertise, our automo-
                                                                               tive-specific IoT platform and a wide
         signed for the employees of Aon's busi-  quote."                      choice of software modules and micro-
         ness clients, and tailored to meet the  Gabriele Ratti, director of Aon Mobil-  services, with the aim of helping them
         needs of the 'new normal' as workers  ity Solutions, said: "We started from an  implement a new mobility solution."
         prefer to avoid public transport and  innovative insurance product with high
         mix working between office and home.  added value and, collaborating with  General insurance busi-
         Launching Flee in Italy, Aon said the  sector leading partners, we have cre-
         cars will be supplied by ALD Automo-  ated an offer that goes beyond insur- ness in Malaysia to con-
         tive Italia on 36, 48 or 60-month con-  ance, providing the end customer with  tract by 2.2% in 2020 due
         tracts, including maintenance, road tax  an integrated mobility service."  to COVID-19
         and breakdown assistance, for fixed  ALD Automotive Italia, which has a
         monthly rentals.                   fleet of almost 190,000 vehicles, said  The Malaysian general insurance in-
         But drivers will have the option of a  flexibility was high on the agenda of  dustry is expected to contract by 2.2%
                                                                               in 2020, primarily due to weak con-
         flexible premium for fully comprehen-  private drivers, freelancers and com-  sumer demand and suspension of eco-
         sive insurance cover. The premium is  panies as they deal with business un-  nomic activity due to the lockdown
         based on a fixed cost per kilometre  certainty. The leasing company added  restrictions in the aftermath of COVID-
         multiplied by the total distance driven  that Flee opened: "a new frontier of  19 pandemic, according to GlobalData,
         in a month. There is also a small vari-  pay-per-use."                a leading data and analytics company.
         able monthly fee for extra Flee ser-  Targa Telematics will provide the ve-
         vices, such as booking a service and  hicle tracking technology that captures  GlobalData has revised Malaysia’s gen-
         maintenance and for claims assistance  the data for the pay-per-use insur-  eral insurance forecast in the after-
         in the event of an accident. This fixed  ance. The same technology will also  math of COVID-19 outbreak. As per
                                                                      The Insurance  Times,  December  2020
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