Page 21 - Insurance Times December 2020
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the latest data, Malaysia’s general in-  Mr Biswas concludes: “Despite the  Tadashi Yamanaka, Staff GM, Claims
          surance business is expected to grow  regulatory push, the recent surge in  Administration Department at ADI,
          at a compound annual growth rate  infection rate across the country is  said: “Tractable’s AI will change how
          (CAGR) of 2.4% during 2019-2024 com-  expected to further dampen growth  insurance claims are processed. As a
          pared to the earlier forecast growth of  prospects. Weak export demand and  result, drivers across Japan will see a
          4.9%.                             uncertain economic scenario are ex-  faster response time to their claims,

          Sangharsan Biswas, Insurance Analyst  pected to limit the short-term growth  proving ADI’s commitment to deliver-
          at GlobalData, comments: “Malaysian  potential of the general insurance busi-  ing the best possible service.”
          economy is projected to contract by  ness.”                          As well as Japan, MS&AD operates
          4.9% in 2020, which will adversely im-  MS&AD to use Tractable’s     across over 40 countries, and its core
          pact consumer spending. The recent                                   units, MSI and ADI, have extensive for-
          floods  in  the  country  will  further AI across Japan to acceler-  eign  auto  operations  in  Asia,  the
          dampen economic growth, resulting in  ate  recovery from  auto       Americas and Europe. MS&AD is the
          lower premiums for general insurers.”                                fifth-largest P&C insurer globally.**
          The slowdown is most evident in the  accidents                       Alex Dalyac, co-founder and CEO, Trac-
          motor insurance business, which ac-  MS&AD, one of  the  world’s largest  table, said: “It’s inspiring that one of
          counted for 48.3% of the total general  property and casualty insurers*, is to  the world’s leading insurers is making
          insurance premium in 2019. According  use AI to accelerate how it processes  a bold move into the future with Trac-
          to the Malaysian Automotive Associa-  auto claims, speeding up recovery for  table. By deploying our AI across Ja-
          tion (MAA), new vehicle sales regis-  its policyholders.             pan, MS&AD will enable its policyhold-
          tered a decline of 41.1% during Janu-  The AI solutions, created by technol-  ers to benefit immediately from cut-
          ary to June 2020, compared to the  ogy company Tractable, use computer  ting-edge technology that shortens the
          same period in 2019, due to lockdown  vision to analyse photos of car damage  claims cycle by weeks.”
          restrictions and stalled production.                                 In auto insurance claims, time is fre-
                                            - making sense of it as a human would,
          Despite government efforts to improve  in near-real time.            quently lost scheduling visual apprais-
          automobile sales through sales tax ex-  MS&AD will deploy the AI across both  als of the damage, which may occur
          emptions, the uncertainty related to  of its subsidiaries, Mitsui Sumitomo  multiple times throughout the claim.
          economic recovery and weak domestic                                  By capturing images with AI and con-
          demand is expected to impact new pre-  Insurance (MSI) and Aioi Nissay Dowa  verting them into instant appraisals,
          mium collections for motor insurers.  Insurance (ADI), where it will be used  Tractable’s AI allows the insurer and
                                            across hundreds of thousands of auto  repairer to move claims forward im-
          Similar decline is observed in property  claims a year, accelerating how quickly  mediately, accelerating the process by
          insurance, which was already facing  each is processed by as much as two  as much as two weeks. For its adjust-
          stagnancy. As per National Property  weeks per claim.                ers, MS&AD believes the advance will
          Information Centre (NAPIC), property                                 save as much as 360,000 hours of time
          sales by value recorded a 31.5% de-  These deployments signify wide-scale,  every year.
          cline in the first half of 2020. Decline  mass adoption of AI across MS&AD’s  Tractable’s AI has been trained on pho-
          in construction activity and negative  operations, and mean that vehicles will  tos and human repair decisions across
          sentiment for purchasing residential  be returned to policyholders in Japan  millions of historical accidents. Through
          property due to the current economic  more quickly than previously possible.  experience, the AI has learned to un-
          scenario has impacted the growth of  Keiji Goto, GM for Technical Support,  derstand damage to any passenger
          property insurance business.      Claims Division at MSI, said: “By apply-  vehicle across Europe, Asia and the
          Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is explor-  ing Tractable’s market-leading AI, we  Americas. The system continually im-
          ing options to improve the business  will be able to solve long-standing chal-  proves as more insurers and repairers
          potential of the country’s insurance  lenges to the claims cycle, such as how  benefit from its use.
          business. BNM is introducing measures  to accelerate supervisor approval of  Tractable’s AI has processed over $1
          such as detariffication of fire and mo-  work carried out by our appraisers.  billion in auto claims for the world’s top
          tor insurance business lines. It is also  We’re excited by the standard of the  insurers, including Ageas UK, Covéa,
          promoting digitization to enhance cus-  AI and its capacity to help us make  the largest auto insurer in the French
          tomer interaction and improve opera-  better, faster decisions for our custom-  market, and Talanx-Warta, the sec-
          tional practices of insurers.     ers.”                              ond-largest auto insurer in Poland.
              The Insurance  Times,  December  2020
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